Sears Hill Bridge
Information about the original bridge
Can you find the scale they used on the original bridge?
What has changed?
Background Information... Read the article and watch the commercial. Bridge Information Commercial WHSV After reading the article and watching the commercial you need to summarize what information you learned about Sears Hill Bridge. This should be done on the back of your information sheet about jobs and blueprints.
Your job...
The year is The citizens of Staunton have raised the funds needed to rebuild the Sears Hill Bridge. They want to build the bridge to be an exact copy of the original, but be safe for pedestrians to walk across. The Friends of the Sears Hill Bridge asked an architect to use the original measurements of the bridge to make a blueprint and model for the new bridge. You are that architect.
The Job… Use measurements from the bridge to create 1. A drawing that will serve as a blueprint for a new bridge that is an exact replica (copy) of the bridge. 2. A model of the new bridge.
Timeline... Day One Learn about the bridge Come up with a group plan Complete group contract Day Two - Five Draw on paper pencil or in Google Draw the blueprint for the bridge. Begin construction of model. Day Six The company that hired you will be looking at your blueprint, model and table of measurements
Links to documents... Jobs that require use of blueprints Project Planning Sheet Project Team Contract Project Team Work Plan Rubric You can make a copy of any of these documents and save them into your drive if you need to.
Actual Measurements of Sears Hill Bridge
3 ½ ft
8 ft
60 ft
7 ft
12 ft