What the personality typology letters mean? E vs. I, S vs. N, T vs. F, J vs. P
This testing method to learn about your personality assumes that you are predisposed for certain personality preferences. There are four pairs of alternatives: E vs. I S vs. N, T vs. F & J vs. P
E vs. I The E stands for Exotrovert The I stands for Introvert These letters describe the tendency to be either inner or outer in one’s emotional focus.
Some characteristics of a person who is an E: 75% -Energized by people -Loneliness when they are not with people
Some characteristics of a person who is an I: 25% - They like their space and quiet - They are drained by interactions with people
S vs. N The S stands for Sensation The N stands for Intuition These letters describes how you gather information about one’s world.
Some characteristics of a person who is a S: 75 % -Pratical -Past Experience are important -Reality based -Facts -Senisible
Some characteristics of a person who is a N: 25% -Innovative -Future -Dreams -Fantasy -Imagination -Sees things as possible
T vs. F The T stands for Thinking The N stands for Feeling These letters stand for how we make decisions once we’ve gathered the information.
Some characteristics of a person who is a T: 50% - Objective - Has principles - Lives by laws - Impersonal
Some characteristics of a person who is a F: 50% - Subjective - Values - Personal - Extenuating circumstances
J vs. P The J stands for Judgement The P stands for Perception The last set of preferences pertains to how people prefer to make judgements based on emotions.
Some characteristics of a person who is a J: 50% -Settled -Decided -Plan ahead -Decision making -Planned -Urgency
Some characteristics of a person who is a P: 50% - Pending -Wants to gather more data -Adapt as they go -Treasure hunting -Open ended -Plenty of time
NT Rationals - 12% ENTJ Fieldmarshal - 5% INTJ Mastermind - 1% ENTP - Inventor - 5% INTP Architect - 1%FieldmarshalMastermindInventorArchitect
NF Idealists - 12% ENFJ Teacher - 5% INFJ Counselor 1% ENFP - Champion 5% INFP Healer- 1%TeacherCounselorChampionHealer
SP Artisans - 36% ESTP Promoter - 13% ISTP Crafter- 5% ESFP Performer - 13% ISFP Composer - 1%,PromoterCrafterPerformerComposer
SJ Guardians - 38% ESTJ Supervisor - 13% ISTJ - Inspector1% ESFJ Provider- 13% ISFJ Protector - 6%SupervisorInspectorProviderProtector