Assessment of judges work. Bert Maan President District Court Zwolle-Lelystad
Organisation of a court: 4 sections Heads of sections (responsible for their section) Judging by single judge Judging by panel of 3 judges
Assessment Quantity Quality
Required Management information Automation Systems of distribution of work Schedules of hearings
Criminal cases Schedules of hearings Distributing judges over hearings in the schedule (6 months) P.m. appeals
Commercial section: Numbers of hearings after first reply Cases where judgement id asked Management information; Date of pronouncement of judgment Name of the case Name of the judge Looking around
Administrative section: Cases distributed by number Following case flow Management information date judgement Schedule of hearings Registering date of judgement
Overall: Management information each month Incoming cases; Finished cases Withdrawn Settled Interlocutory judgement Final judgement
Quality Risk: judge alone/single judge Judges work in a court and in sections: Look at each other; Clerk/ judicial assistant also looks Report misbehaviour (informal)
Legal quality Panel of three (criminal, commercial, administrative) Colleague judges Judicial assistant Advocates Publication ( Media Appeals/cassation
Quality management Case-law discussion Presentations Internal training/education; Permanent education SSR Intervision Courses elsewhere
Legal resources Texts of the law with comments; Library Internet Open sources Restricted sources
Human resources policy-tools periodic interview head of section annual talks with court president promotion personal file
Formal evaluation? Does not exist; References in case of application Career system
Why not? Starting point Selection Training before the job Training on the job Development as a person/judge Motivation
Discipline Organisation prevents situations Control by colleagues First disciplinary body Is very near: court president
Result Good quality Motivated judges Feeling responsibility Love their profession Accidents?
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