One Death Too Many Teresa Morrow
Executive Summary The statistics stop you short. Christian Nieto, 16 month old died of head injuries sustained from a fatal blow from his foster parent. Christian Nieto, 16 month old died of head injuries sustained from a fatal blow from his foster parent. Andrew Burd, 4 year old was pronounced dead after being forced to drink a mixture of water and Cajun Seasoning by his foster parents. Andrew Burd, 4 year old was pronounced dead after being forced to drink a mixture of water and Cajun Seasoning by his foster parents. Alex Mitchell, 3 year old was killed by the hands of his foster parent after being thrown against a wall. Alex Mitchell, 3 year old was killed by the hands of his foster parent after being thrown against a wall. Katherine Frances body-slammed by the 14 year old biological son of the foster parents. Katherine Frances body-slammed by the 14 year old biological son of the foster parents. Eleven more children have died from abuse by their foster parents between August 2003, and January Each of these 15 children were placed by CPS in trusted foster homes ran by trusted Child Placement Agencies.
After a thorough investigation of the deaths, CPS reported alarming data: Reported multiple violations in each foster home. Reported multiple violations in each foster home. Incidents, issues, and concerns noted within narrative format of child case. Incidents, issues, and concerns noted within narrative format of child case. Multiple caseworkers, case managers, and community members in each foster home through out the year. Multiple caseworkers, case managers, and community members in each foster home through out the year. From the investigation, a clear problem rises; these very children are being seen by a professional with no clear direction to report the incidents, issues or concerns.
Problem Lack of reporting of abuse and neglect of foster children by CPS Staff. Lack of reporting of abuse and neglect of foster children by CPS Staff. Unclear guidelines as to where to report incidents, issues, and concerns of abuse and neglect of foster homes, and child placement agencies. Unclear guidelines as to where to report incidents, issues, and concerns of abuse and neglect of foster homes, and child placement agencies. Data located in multi-locations not unified in one central area. Data located in multi-locations not unified in one central area.
PROBLEM ADDRESSED All children thrive when they live in safe, stable, and nurturing families, yet far too many children lack this fundamental foundation. All children thrive when they live in safe, stable, and nurturing families, yet far too many children lack this fundamental foundation. Every year, millions of children are abused or neglected— of theses close to 300,000 so egregiously abused that they are removed from their homes by the state and placed in foster care. Every year, millions of children are abused or neglected— of theses close to 300,000 so egregiously abused that they are removed from their homes by the state and placed in foster care.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, reports in Fiscal 2005, 38 foster children died in the state's care; in Fiscal 2005, 48 foster children died; and in Fiscal 2006, 61 foster children died. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, reports in Fiscal 2005, 38 foster children died in the state's care; in Fiscal 2005, 48 foster children died; and in Fiscal 2006, 61 foster children died. Data shows that while the number of foster children in the state's care increased 24 percent from 26,133 in Fiscal 2005 to 32,474 in Fiscal 2006, the number of deaths also increased 60 percent. Data shows that while the number of foster children in the state's care increased 24 percent from 26,133 in Fiscal 2005 to 32,474 in Fiscal 2006, the number of deaths also increased 60 percent. If you compare the number of deaths of children in the state's population to the number of deaths in the state's foster care system, a child is four times more likely to die in state's foster care. If you compare the number of deaths of children in the state's population to the number of deaths in the state's foster care system, a child is four times more likely to die in state's foster care.
Stakeholders CPS CPS Caseworkers Caseworkers Foster Children Foster Children Parents Parents Community partners Community partners Judges Judges CASA CASA Ad- Litems Ad- Litems
Needs Strengths Capacities Child Protective Services Needs identify the role of technology identify a risk assessment tool develop curriculum surrounding assessment of foster homes, and agencies. develop a one centralized location for reporting.
Strengths Info structure in place. Info structure in place. Risk assessments available to build on. Risk assessments available to build on. Training available to adjust to CVS needs. Training available to adjust to CVS needs.Capacities funds to explore possible solutions to the problem. funds to explore possible solutions to the problem. To adopt technology statewide. To adopt technology statewide.
Caseworkers/SupervisorNeeds Training on how to assess risk. Training on how to assess risk. Supervisor stress the importance of training and reporting. Supervisor stress the importance of training and reporting. Importance of Face to Face contact. Importance of Face to Face contact.Strengths Working within an info structure system Working within an info structure system Training on Risk assessments Investigations Training on Risk assessments InvestigationsCapacities need for reporting incidents, issues and concerns need for reporting incidents, issues and concerns Safety of foster children Safety of foster children On going communication with foster children and foster parents. On going communication with foster children and foster parents.
CommunityNeeds The community (CASA,Judges and Ad Litems) made aware of how to report incidents, issues, and concerns of foster homes and foster agencies. Strengths Working relationship with CPS and Caseworker. Communication with foster child, foster parents and CPS staff. Capacity Community has access to internet.
Legislation Needs Legislation needs to fund data collection, positions and technology in reference to the reporting of incidents, issues, and concerns. Strength Policy based decision making Capacity Active interest in their role.
Foster Child Needs Safe and nurturing foster home. Safe and nurturing foster home.Strength Resiliency Resiliency Willingness to communicate Willingness to communicateCapacity Appropriate living environment Appropriate living environment Verbalize their needs Verbalize their needs
Parents/RelativesNeeds Child is safe and well taking care of while in foster care. Child is safe and well taking care of while in foster care.Strengths Know child's behaviors, actions and needs. Know child's behaviors, actions and needs. Communication with child, community partners, and CPS. Communication with child, community partners, and CPS.Capacity Assimilate to new knowledge and capacity to change. Assimilate to new knowledge and capacity to change.
Foster Parents/ CPA Needs Training on appropriate parenting skills. Training on appropriate parenting skills. Availability of resources. Availability of resources. Contract requirements. Contract requirements.Strengths Peer support Peer support Training available Training available Resources ResourcesCapacity Info structure – systems and staff. Info structure – systems and staff.
Solution Centralized location for reporting. Centralized location for reporting. Web based reporting. Web based reporting. Increase awareness of reporting Increase awareness of reporting Online training assessing risk in foster homes. Online training assessing risk in foster homes. develop online assessment tools develop online assessment tools follow through with data collection in investigating foster homes and be supported by the agency, staff, administrators, IT staff and the community stakeholders. follow through with data collection in investigating foster homes and be supported by the agency, staff, administrators, IT staff and the community stakeholders.