EU Common digital competence framework Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG EMPL-C4 Skills & Qualifications LLLweek, 3 December 2015
Individuals need basic skills and transversal skills Transversal Skills ('soft skills') such as entrepreneurship, problem solving; collaboration; digital competence are much in demand by employment , and essential for inclusive citizenship But … What is meant under e.g.'being digital savyy' ? What are the composing descriptors ? What may be the proficiency levels ? Evidence tells us that too many people in the EU still do not have the skills required. 40% of the EU population had an insufficient level of digital skills. 22% has none at all, as they did not use the internet.. 32% of the EU labour force had an insufficient level of digital skills.13% had no digital skills at all, as they did not use the internet. In 2012 the figures were 39% and 14%, respectively.
EU competence frameworks for (i)digital competence & (ii)entrepreneurship + self-assessment tools
WHAT ? EU Digital Competence framework EU Common Conceptual definition ۷ Based on Key Competences Framework (2006) Digital competences for ALL citizens & LLL Complementary to Competence framework for professionals EU Common Referencing framework ۷ Descriptors of the competences into sets of learning outcomes and relative levels of progress Compliant with others (ESCO; ECDL; etc.) (Self-)assessment tools ۷ For individuals ; for E&T providers; for Employment Services; for guidance centres; for employers; etc.
European Digital Competence Framework Online available Free and open use Endorsed by EU Member States representatives in the E&T2020 Thematic Working groups on 'ICT and Education' (May 2013) and on 'Transversal Skills' Endorsed by ICT-related users and demand industry and ngo's Continuously updated and validated by stakeholders Self-assessment tool of digital competences for citizens e.g. EUROPASS available in 21 languages Will become part of an online Citizens tool for skills Impact on measurement: Eurostat 2015 Survey on digital skills; Digital Scoreboard
HOW? Intensive collaboration and validation involving more than 120 experts and stakeholders across Europe and policies Led and validated bu EU MS representatives (WG TS) Research by DG JRC IPTS on behalf of the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
What can DIGCOMP do for me as an individual? You are an EU citizen with low abilities to use ICT in daily life: better identify the most essential skills you need to improve to live and work as an active citizen in this digital society. You are unemployed and looking for a job : help to identify the various digital skills you already have and their level so that you can add that information in your CV. When looking at job vacancies, to identify which skills you are missing and to search for further learning opportunities. You are an employer searching for new employees with specific skills : support to define exactly the set of skills, competences and qualifications your vacancy requires when you are developing a job description. You are active at an employment service : use it to exchange relevant labour market information (CVs and vacancies) in a meaningful way and offer adequate career guidance to job seekers. You are a teacher at an education and training institution : You can use it for the didactic development of courses linked to the curriculum and learning outcomes as well as developing assessment.
WHAT can DIGCOMP do for institutions? Developing digital competence strategies for education and training as policy support. Education Departments are using DIGCOMP as an input to curricula review and to development of adult education courses, such as in Belgium (Flanders). Updating / reforming curricula and content Teachers and educators professional development and guidance. A number of other EU countries are using DIGCOMP, to design or improve Professional Development programmes for teachers. Individual assessment of job seekers and/or job changers Provision of training courses and validation of informal and non-formal learning. Telecenters for SME's and individuals across Europe offer informal training to up-skill one's digital competence. Public employment centres in Basque are providing assessment, guidance, training courses and certification to unemployed.
Dimension 1 Competence areas (5) Dimension 2 Competences (21) 1. Information 1.1 Browsing, searching, & filtering information 1.2 Evaluating Information 1.3 Storing and retrieving information 2. Communication 2.1 Interacting through technologies 2.2 Sharing information and content 2.3 Engaging in online citizenship 2.4 Collaborating through digital channels 2.5 Netiquette 2.6 Managing digital identity 3. Content creation 3.1 Developing content 3.2 Integrating and re-elaborating 3.3 Copyright and Licences 3.4 Programming 4. Safety 4.1 Protecting devices 4.2 Protecting data and digital identity 4.3 Protecting health 4.4 Protecting the environment 5. Problem solving 5.1 Solving technical problems 5.2 Expressing needs & identifying technological responses 5.3 Innovating, creating and solving using digital tools 5.4 Identifying digital competence gaps DIGCOMP V1.0
Member State implementations TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT E & T CONTENT /STUDENT ASSESSMENT ASSESMENT FOR EMPLOYABILITY POLICY SUPPORT, FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION Lithuania: EDC is under the direct authority of the Ministry of Education and Science ( Malta: the eLearning Department (eLD) is within the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education (DQSE) in the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE). GO ON UK:
Member State implementations UNITED KINGDOM GO ON UK definition of Basic Digital Skills now aligns with DIGCOMP. Works closely with Cabinet Office and the Governments Digital Service. TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT E & T CONTENT /STUDENT ASSESSMENT ASSESMENT FOR EMPLOYABILITY POLICY SUPPORT, FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION FLANDERS, BELGIUM Used by Dept. of Education as an input to curricula review and to development of adult education courses. ESTONIA Translation of the DIGCOMP by the Ministry of Education and Research. Used for teacher PD and students digital competence. SLOVENIA Translated by National Education Institute. DIGCOMP is used for the assessment of students' digital competence. LITHUANIA Translation of the DIGCOMP framework by the Education Development Centre. BASQUE COUNTRY, SPAIN Ikanos project Developed by the Basque Government to deploy the Digital Agenda. Free online testing tool based on DIGCOMP. CROATIA e-Schools project by Croatian Academic and Research Network will use DIGCOMP to support teachers . Lithuania: EDC is under the direct authority of the Ministry of Education and Science ( Malta: the eLearning Department (eLD) is within the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education (DQSE) in the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE). GO ON UK: SPAIN The Ministry of Education Dept institute INTEF has created teacher digital competence framework. NAVARRA, SPAIN Navarra Department of Education uses DIGCOMP as a key reference for strategic planning. ITALY Italian Digital Agenda Is evaluating the official adoption of DIGCOMP as end user competence. MALTA Use of DIGCOMP framework by the Ministry for Education and Employment in "Green Paper: Digital Literacy". EXRTREMADURA, SPAIN Extremadura implements Teachers Digital Competence Portfolio based on DIGCOMP.
DG EDUCATION AND CULTURE DG JUSTICE AND CONSUMERS Development starting on the Teacher Digital Competence Framework for based on DIGCOMP. DG JUSTICE AND CONSUMERS Development on-going of the Consumers' Digital Competence Framework based on DIGCOMP
WHAT NEXT? Implementations by educational and training providers/ employment services (regional, national, EU) Further development and research for particular target groups teachers (initial and secondary education) consumers carers unemployed, etc. Being part of policy work around transversal skills Similar development on entrepreneurship Online Citizen's tool for transversal skills Upcoming Skills Agenda (2016)
WHAT ? EU Entreprenurship Competence framework EU Common Conceptual definition (done WG TS) Based on Key Competences Framework (2006) Entrepreneurship competences for ALL citizens & LLL Complementary to Competence frameworks for professionals EU Common Referencing framework Descriptors of the competences into sets of learning outcomes and relative levels of progress Compliant with ESCO (Self-)assessment tools For individuals ; for E&T providers; for Employment Services; for guidance centres; for employers; etc.
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