WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting March 17; Forum Telecom - Picoas, Portugal Version 13; March 15, 2014
Chairman’s Remarks Santiago Gutierrez
Roll Call Anders Halvorsen
Board of Directors 5 CityNameOrganizationAttendance 1AfghanistanOmar AnsariNICTAA 2ArgentinaDr. Silvia BidartCESSI 3BangladeshShaheen Mahmud IqbalBCS 4BelarusDr. Boris KomrakovInfoPark 5BermudaJohn KyleBermuda Chamber of Commerce 6BrazilRoberto MayerASSESPRO 7CanadaKarna GuptaITAC 8ChileLuis SteinGechs 9Chinese TaipeiJames LiuCISA 10EgyptEng. Tarek A Monem TahaEITESAL 11GreeceYannis SirrosSEPE 12Hong KongFrancis FongHKITF 13IndiaMr. R. Chandrashekhar standing in for Som Mittal NASSCOM
Board of Directors 6 CityNameOrganizationAttendance 14JapanJunko Kawauchi standing in for Takashi Igarashi JISA 15KenyaWaudo SigangaCSK 16LebanonNizar ZakkaPCA 17MalaysiaLooi Kien LeongPIKOM 18MexicoDr. Amado EspinosaCANIETI 19MexicoSantiago GutierrezCANIETI 20NigeriaFlorence SerikiITAN 21South KoreaKi-Chul KimFKII 22RomaniaDr. Vasile BaltacATIC 23South AfricaRoger LatchmanITA 24SpainAntonio CimmoraAMETIC 25U.S.AShawn OsborneTechAmerica 26UKJulian DavidIntellect
CityNameOrganizationAttendance 1JapanJunko KawauchiJISA 2Chinese TaipeiIvy ChangCISA 3Chinese TaipeiTim LeeCISA 4U.S.ADr. Jim PoisantWITSA 5U.S.AAnders HalvorsenWITSA 6AustraliaTim ConwayWITSA 7MalaysiaJeralyn QuinsayasWITSA In Attendance: Non Board Members 7
8 Call to Order / Approval of Meeting Minutes
Welcome Remarks ANETIE
Matters Arising Dr. Jim Poisant
ITEMS Delegate Pledges: Each member association will be contacted for WCIT 2014 delegate pledges. Status: Ricardo Tapia (Project Office, Mexico) will be in touch with each WITSA member to discuss how WCIT 2014 can support member delegate recruitment efforts. GPATS 2015: WITSA was contacted by Qatar on March 2, 2014 indicating that they wished to move forward. Status: Matter on the agenda. Vice Chairperson’s WCIT 2014 Meetings: Dr. Silvia Bidart suggested having regular meetings between Vice Chairmen to further discuss collaboration and recruitment efforts. Status: A decision to meet pending Matters Arising: BOD Call, Feb 27
ITEMS Trade Mission: Mr. David Wong reported that the trade mission package also include the Opening Ceremony, Welcome Reception, Keynote and Gala Dinner and that the package should be opened only for international delegates. Status: Program office is addressing request B2B: Mr. Wong also requested that WCIT 2014 prepare a detailed registration database including information such as core business, industry served, type of partners for matchmaking to better help facilitate B2B meetings at the event and online. Status: Program office is in the process of selecting the vendor to provide the B2B platform Matters Arising: BOD Call, Feb 27
WITSA Treasurer’s Report Dr. Amado Espinosa
Comparative Statement of Income For the One Month Ended January 31, 2014 and 2013 (1/3) (Feb 15, 2014) Jan 14Jan 13$ Change Ordinary Income/Expense Income · Investments · Interest Income Total · Investments · Other Types of Income · Corporate Advisory Committee5, , , Total · Other Types of Income5, , , · In-Kind Revenue · Program Income · Membership Dues6, , · Global Partner Program4, Total · Program Income10, , Total Income16, , , Gross Profit16, , ,655.07
Comparative Statement of Income For the One Month Ended January 31, 2014 and 2013 (2/3) (Feb 15, 2014) Jan 14Jan 13$ Change Expense · Bank Charges · Wire Fees · Bank Charges – Other Total · Bank Charges · Contract Services · Accounting Fees3, , , · Legal Fees · Consulting4, , , Total · Contract Services9, , , · Facilities and Equipment · Rent, Parking, Utilities Total · Facilities and Equipment · Operations · Supplies · Telecommunications · Data Backup · ADP Payroll Fees Total · Operations1, ,
Comparative Statement of Income For the One Month Ended January 31, 2014 and 2013 (3/3) (Feb 15, 2014) Jan 14Jan 13$ Change · Other Types of Expenses · Memberships and Dues · Meals & Entertainment Total · Other Types of Expenses · Payroll Expenses · Salaries Salary Anders8, , Salary Poisant20, , Total · Salaries28, , · Payroll Taxes1, , · Workmans Compensation Insurance · Life & Disability Insurance · Health & Dental Insurance1, , · 401K WITSA Contribution1, , Total · Payroll Expenses34, , · Travel and Meetings · Travel-Poisant1, Total · Travel and Meetings1, Total Expenses47, , , Net Ordinary Income-30, , , Net Income-30, , ,810.51
Summary Balance Sheet (Feb 15, 2014) ASSETS Current Assets Cash Accounts657,749.70Cash in operating accounts Accounts Receivable Net of Allowance139,210.00Outstanding dues and other receivables Prepaid Expenses4,215.82Expenses paid in cash but not used Investments - CD's104,944.70Middleburg Bank Net Fixed Assets1, TOTAL ASSETS907, LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable4, Credit Card Payables1, Accrued Expenses34,778.97Expenses incurred such as vacation and pension amounts Deferred Revenue78,858.35Amounts invoiced to customers that have not been earned yet. Total Liabilities119,566.11For example: Mexico IT was invoiced from Oct to Oct The 2014 part was deferred EquityOur corporate advisors are also billed on a fiscal year basis, not an annual basis Unrestricted Net Assets818, Net Income-30, Total Equity788, TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY907,918.22
Cash Flow Board (Feb 15, 2014) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from members 250 Cash paid to vendors(36,332) Interest received 210 Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Operating Activities (35,872) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash used to purchase property and equipment - Cash used to purchase investments - Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Investing Activities - CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Financing Activities - NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH (35,872) CASH, BEGINNING OF YEAR 693,784 CASH, January 31, ,912
Cash Flow Board (Feb 15, 2014) RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net income (30,284) Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash Provided by (used in) operating activities: Depreciation and amortization - (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable (55,667) (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses 420 Increase (decrease) in accounts payable & accrued expenses 9,340 Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue 40,317 (5,590) NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES (35,874)
Accounts Receivable (1/2) (Feb 15, 2014) Dues Dues Special Events TOTAL Barbados Brazil - Assespro37, Canada5, , , Cisco15, EPAM15, Fairfax County PAID1, Gambia Haitian Association for the ICTs Hungarian Association of IT Companies ICT Norway1, ITRI25, Jordan PAID Kazakhstan Association of IT Companies
Accounts Receivable (2/2) (Feb 15, 2014) Dues Dues Special Events TOTAL Lebanon (2012 Gala)0.005, Mexico IT PAID25, Morocco Pakistan Polish1, Portugal - Bus. Assoc Republic of Moldova Serbia Trinidad and Tobago Turkish Informatics Industry Association 1, Zimbabwe , , ,210.00
Membership removed as of 12/31/13: Cambodia Canada: payment depends on revenue agreement w/ ITAC Gambia: 3/10: Poncelet will pay after April AGM. Recommendation: Grant extension Hungary: 3/10/14: Resigning. Recommendation: Offer Observer Status Kazakhstan: No response. Recommendation: Observer Status Morocco: No response: Recommendation: Observer Status Netherlands Antilles: 3/10/14: Will pay by end of month. Recommendation: Grant extension. Norway: No response. Recommendation: Remove membership. Status on Membership Dues (March 10, 2014)
Pakistan: No response: Recommendation: Observer Status Portugal: ACIST does not have funds. Recommendation: Give ACIST Observer Status; ANETIE full membership Moldova: from 3/10/14: Will seek Board approval and revert asap. Recommendation: Offer extension Serbia: Association has no revenue: Recommendation: Observer Status Trinidad: No response. Recommendation: Observer Status Turkey: No response. Does not qualify for Observer Status: Recommendation: Remove Membership Zimbabwe: No response since May’13. Recommendation: Observer Status Barbados: No funds. Recommendation: Observer Status Status on Membership Dues (March 10, 2014)
Each candidate will be given five (5) minutes each to present: Discussion Vote (Vacancy) Chairman of the WITSA Public Policy Committee 1.Nizar Zakka 2.Tim Conway
ASSESPRO’s Director Request NASSCOM’s Director Request Board of Director’s Replacement Requests Raul Colcher to replace Roberto Mayer Discussion Vote R Chandrashekar to replace Som Mittal Discussion Vote
ANETIE to replace ACIST Admission of ANETIE (Portugal) to replace ACIST as WITSA member Discussion Vote
WITSA World Congress on IT (WCIT) 2014 Dr. Amado Espinosa / Santiago Gutierrez
WITSA Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2015 Nizar Zakka / Dr. Jim Poisant
WITSA World Congress on IT (WCIT) 2016 in Brasilia Raul Colcher Dr. Jim Poisant
Status on WCIT 2018 Bid Potentials China (2 Cities) South Africa (Roger Latchman) Middle East – Preparing trip with Nizar Zakka within the next 60 days
1.Emerging issues – taxation, cybercrime/cyber- bullying, movement of people… 2.Internet Governance a.NETmundial; IGF Turkey; NTIA announcement b.Multistakeholder vs Multilateral c.ICT=Internet=ICT; need to focus on the impact on ICT of Governance change proposals 3.International Trade a.WTO, ITA slow progress; regional/bilateral proliferation 4.Principles – privacy, security & data protection a.WCIT2014 Declaration – communications & marketing GPAC Report
Status on the IT Industry Barometer Initiative Dr. Silvia Bidart
Meeting Calendar BOD Conference CallDate to be announced Via Go-To-Meeting WITSA Committee Meetings & General Assembly September 26 & 27 Guadalajara
THANK YOU! See You in Guadalajara!!!