Our Growing Garden and Area Perimeter
We can plant a garden.
We can plant tomatoes.
We will need a fence around the perimeter of our garden.
= the perimeter We have a great garden!
Oh no! We forgot to plant lettuce in our garden!
The area of the garden has grown. Let’s count the squares. 3 in one row of tomatoes and 3 in one row of lettuce.
Area is expressed as length x width. The area of our garden is---3 x 2 = area length width
We will need to increase the fence around the perimeter of our garden.
= the perimeter We have a great garden!
Oh no! We forgot to plant cucumbers in our garden!
The area of the garden has grown.
Let’s count the squares. 3 in one row of lettuce, 3 in one row of tomatoes, and 3 in one row of cucumbers.
Area is expressed as length x width. The area of our garden is x 3 = area length 3 width
We will need to increase the fence around the perimeter of our garden.
= the perimeter
We have a great garden!
Have we forgotten any other vegetable? Which one would you add to the garden?
If we add a vegetable, the area of the garden will increase and the perimeter fence will need to increase in size! We have a great garden!
Perimeter = 8 feet Area = 3 square feet Perimeter = 10 feet Area = 6 square feet Perimeter = 12 feet Area = 9 square feet
THE END Written by: Teresa Pinder MLS/AT,OTR/L, ATP RLATS-Levy Pictures imported from: