ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Proba-V QWG-2 Platform status 28 October 2015
PROBA-V QWG October page 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Orbit status
PROBA-V QWG October page 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Orbit status Orbit evolution: LTDN well within 10:30 – 11:30 LTDN reaches 10:30 around Sept 2017 Stays well above 10:00 after 5 years
PROBA-V QWG October page 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Platform status
PROBA-V QWG October page 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Platform key parameter
PROBA-V QWG October page 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Platform key parameter 1.The platform availability is around 99.9%. The autonomous reconfigurations have a very small impact on the overall performance. 2.In the last 10 months, there was no safe mode 3.All platform subsystems are nominal 4.The thermal situation is very stable, showing the expected trends in summer and winter 5.There are 2 new anomaly reports opened in the last 6 months a.PROABV-12, which is related to a single occurrence of a problem in the MMM downlink b.PROBAV-13, which is related to a single occurrence of a non- detected single bit upset in the star tracker memory. The satellite autonomously detected the issue and reconfigured to the redundant star tracker.
PROBA-V QWG October page 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Status AOCS: pointing performance Observation mode: obtained pointing accuracies Error at confidence level Error required [arcsec] Error measured nominal [arcsec] APE 68%15.3 APE 95%36023 APE 99.7%38.2 RPE 1.5s 95%803.3 The AOCS pointing performance is far better than the requirement
PROBA-V QWG October page 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Status AOCS units UnitStatusremark Star trackernominalTemp Head nominal (average -12 deg). On 05-10, a SEU triggered an on board FDIR. It has occurred in the eclipse part of the orbit with no impact on the mission. Proper automatic recovery, no safe mode. GPS receivernominalAs from 22/12/2014, the GPS is continuous active (previously, the GPS was OFF during the sun mode part of the orbit). The operations are very stable (99.2% fix). magnetometernominal Reaction wheelsnominalNo wear detected Magnetic torquersnominal AOCS IFnominal AOCS overall status: all is nominal and performances met by far
PROBA-V QWG October page 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Power summary including budget comparison Mode Bus average consumpti on [W] S/A average generated power [W] Energy budget margin Minimum battery voltage (max = 29.2V) Nominal mode >40%28 V Power budget largely positive Very stable in time Status Power
PROBA-V QWG October page 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Status Power
PROBA-V QWG October page 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Status Power
PROBA-V QWG October page 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Status Power
PROBA-V QWG October page 13 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Status Power Units Unit In-orbit status BatterynominalNo specific issues found. Battery voltage nominal. An average value of 0A is observed as the battery charging and discharging are perfectly balanced. Temperature (average 12 deg, min 9 deg > min of 6 deg) nominal (no heater required) Solar arraysnominalTotal solar array current as expected Power conditioning (ADPMS) nominalPower as expected All units within power budget The power situation is very stable, showing no apparent degradation of the solar arrays, battery, nor power distribution system
PROBA-V QWG October page 14 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Data handling status 1. Unit Commissioni ng status remark ADPMSnominalOnly events are single bit error (automatically corrected) in the MPM (2 occurrences in last 6 months) Mass memoryNominal with work around Latch-up behaviour detected in orbit On board S/W work around in place Processor load 8 % in safe mode (average) 20 % in nominal mode (average) Comfortable processor budget margin
PROBA-V QWG October page 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Mass memory anomaly statistics Location in orbit: almost always over the South Atlantic Anomaly Occurrence: on average once per 2.8 days (between 2 and 4 days, max 17 days) Very stable Potential data gap: 4 min per occurrence (when over land) There is no increase in the frequency of the events Data handling mass memory anomaly
PROBA-V QWG October page 16 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Data handling Mass memory usage MMM usage was never such that non-transmitted data was erased
PROBA-V QWG October page 17 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use RF S-Band S-band system summary Unit Commissioni ng status S-band uplinknominal S-band downlinknominal S-band system operationally working as expected Link budget within expectations
PROBA-V QWG October page 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use RF X-Band X-band system summary Unit Commissioni ng status X-bandnominal X-band experimental unit (tech demo) nominal New development for Proba-V Both units main and experimental used daily operations Comfortable link margin allowed to tune the TX power from 38 dBm to 36 dBm
PROBA-V QWG October page 19 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use RF S and X band duty cycle
PROBA-V QWG October page 20 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use OBSW status 1.Image 1: OBSW V2.0.6 (launch version) 2.OBSW V2.1.0 (updated after launch on 08/07/2013). This OBSW includes the automatic recovery after a MMM SRAM functional disruption. It had some issues with the handling of the MMM wrap around (during erase and transmit). Other changes are the handling of the GPS in eclipse and tuning of specific FDIR. 3.OBSW V2.1.1 (updated after launch on 15/10/2013). This OBSW provides a solution for all issues found on OBSW V Image 2: OBSW V Used as from 11/08/2014. This OBSW provides a solution for all issues found on OBSW V More robust Autonomous reconfigurations Wheel FDIR speed (out of limit) GPS control (more robust against radiation)
PROBA-V QWG October page 21 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Instrument status
PROBA-V QWG October page 22 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Instrument Status Fully functional No single FDIR triggered except SWIR soft latch-up False alarm (linked to integration time) In average less than 1 soft latch-up per month All calibration requests were correctly executed. SWIR dark current (see further)
PROBA-V QWG October page 23 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Instrument Thermal Optical bench thermal variation ~ 1°C variation per orbit ~ 1.5°C variation per day Very stable Confirming excellent thermal performances of radiator and bench Unit Value maximum-4 to -6.5 degC average-6 to -8 degC
PROBA-V QWG October page 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Instrument thermal Move towards lower wavelength when T decreases When T (winter), A in blue but in NIR in Red and SWIR
PROBA-V QWG October page 25 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Flight Segment evolution
PROBA-V QWG October page 26 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Planned Flight Segment Evolutions 1.PV-OPS#9-4: Automatic Moon calibration a.Moon calibration requires ground preparation (moon ephemeris, …) b.Full automation requires involvement of NGC, QS, Spacebel so easily keuro c.Not justified d.Proposed not to do it
PROBA-V QWG October page 27 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Planned Flight Segment Evolutions 1.A1.7 : extended northern coverage (possibly like Sentinel-2 set to 82 degree SZA) during Winter to 82° SZA (Sun Zenith Angle). a.AOCS-SW calculates the dayflag based on the sun being 10 degrees above the horizon at the nadir location b.10 degrees is a global parameter in the AOCS-SW, can be easily changed. There is no impact on the GNC loop c.Parameter was patched to 8 degrees on board on 27 th October only on S/C SDRAM (in case of MMM reconfiguration, automatic update from Redu) d.VITO/Redu to check dayflag behaviour from in flight data e.VITO/Redu to further modify configuration if needed (land/sea mask, latitude restrictions) f.VITO to provide feedback on correct behaviour of patch --> value to be increased or decreased accordingly if needed g.ESA to assess the overall impact on the downlink volume h.QS to assess the MMM memory status and power budget i.If everybody happy: patch performed also in the startup TCs list
PROBA-V QWG October page 28 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Report on anomalies
PROBA-V QWG October page 29 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Report on anomalies A1.17 decompression error 1.linked to the packet processing onboard FPGA based): wrong pointing of the start of a packet within a frame inside the frame header 2.The root cause is still unknown 3.strange thing remains why this issue seems to be degrading over the last months... 4.if the problem is a bug in the mass memory FPGA, then it is either there or not. One explanation for this could be that the bug is only apparent in specific circumstances 5.Either we find the circumstances which trigger the issue onboard and avoid these or we correct the errors on ground 6.Issue seems systematic and consistent 7.Still unknown whether the errors are linked to missing packets or to a wrong content of the packets 8.So far no success to identify the circumstances or to provide a correction on the ground
PROBA-V QWG October page 30 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Report on anomalies A1.17 decompression error
PROBA-V QWG October page 31 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Report on anomalies: SWIR detector Macroscopic view (average dark current evolution): in line with prediction Pixel view Increasing amount of pixels with very high stable dark current (few and slowly increasing) Pixels with unstable dark current Not reported from ground radiation test Ground radiation raw data under investigation in order to detect the same problem and to predict trend accordingly
PROBA-V QWG October page 32 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Report on anomalies: SWIR detector Dark current ± double every year This is in line with ground prediction (radiation test)