1 Chapter 8 Implementation Monitor and Adjust Your Plan Throughout the Year
2 Chapter 8, Task 1: Gradually Decrease the Amount of Time Spent Teaching Expectations, Procedures and Routines I understand that teaching expectations on just the first day is not sufficient. I will continue to use the three-step communication process for a couple of weeks, but gradually decrease the amount of time I spend communicating expectations. However, I will: 1.Verify that my students understand what is expected of them. 2.Teach my expectations to new students.
3 Sample Slides from Stanford Lewis’s First-Day Presentation
6 Sample Quiz on Expectations
10 Chapter 8, Task 2: Mark on Your Planning Calendar Particular Times That You Will Reteach Your Expectations I understand that behavior may deteriorate at particular times of year; therefore, I will reteach my expectations before these times, namely: Thanksgiving break Before and after winter break Before and after major tests Before and after spring break At the end of school
11 Chapter 8, Task 3: Mark on Your Planning Calendar Times to Collect Objective Data About Classroom Behavior I understand the importance of knowing what is going on in my classroom, and that objective data can help me determine which aspects of my management plan should be maintained, which may need to be altered, and whether my level of structure is adequate. I have various tools in the appendices that can help me obtain objective data about my classroom management plan.
12 Implementation: Peer Study Worksheet With one or more of your colleagues, work through the following discussion topics and activities related to the tasks in Chapter 8. If necessary, refer back to the text to get additional ideas or for clarification. (See the Chapter 1 Peer Study Worksheet for suggestions on structuring effective discussion sessions.)
13 Peer Study Worksheet, Task 1: Gradually Decrease Time Spent Teaching Expectations, Procedures, and Routines A.Have group members share perceptions of the efficacy of having taught expectations. For experienced teachers, compare the amount of teaching of expectations you did with this year’s students to previous years. Is there a benefit in improved student behavior? If student behavior is going well, do you think it is time to fade the teaching of expectations? If behavior still needs improvement, does it make sense to continue teaching expectations until things improve?
14 Peer Study Worksheet, Task 1: Gradually Decrease Time Spent Teaching Expectations (Continued) B.Have individual group members share any quizzes and/or interview protocols they have developed to verify student understanding of behavioral expectations. Group members should give each other feedback. If applicable, work in pairs and arrange to interview each other’s students.
15 Peer Study Worksheet, Task 2: Mark on Your Planning Calendar When You Will Reteach Your Expectations A.Discuss group members’ perceptions about the times that were suggested for reteaching. Do these times make sense as being potentially problematic? Are there other times of year or specific events within the school that may make reteaching appropriate?
16 Chapter 8, Task 3: Collect Objective Data about Classroom Behavior and Adjust your Management Plan Accordingly A.If there is a group consensus to do so, divide them between the group members so that each member studies one Appendix and the tools within that Appendix to share with the group at your next meeting. Discuss the different Appendices and the potential utility of the information that might be gathered.
17 Chapter 8, Task 3: Collect Data about Behavior and Adjust your Management Plan(Continued) B.Discuss group members’ comfort levels with having another group member come into their room to collect data for some of the tools (for example, in Appendix 2, Ratios of Interactions). For those group members who wish to do so, make specific arrangements—who observes what, when?
18 C.After implementing any of the tools, whether it was peer observation or self- implemented, plan to get together as a group and discuss what was learned and what classroom management adaptations, if any, group members made based on this information.