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1 If your clothes were filthy, would you need to clean them or put them in the closet?
1 Filthy clothes would need to be cleaned. Home
2 Who are the main characters in Jamaica Louise James?
2 OK…..
3 Who would be more likely to be fellow classmates, you and your friends or you and your parents?
3 Fellow classmates would be you and your friends, not your parents.
4 Would an executive work in an office or on a farm?
4 Home An executive would probably work in an office.
5 If you were beautifying the school, would you clean it up or would you put trash all around it.
5 If you were beautifying the school, you would clean it up. Home
6 Might a renowned person be famous or not well known?
6 A renowned person would probably be well known. Home
7 Who would be kin, a brother and a sister or two people from two different families?
7 A brother and sister would be kin.
8 If an idea is original, is it the first time someone thought of it or has someone already thought of it?
8 An original idea is the first time someone thought of it. Home
9 Would you adorn a gift box with ribbon or with mud?
9 You would adorn a gift box with a ribbon.