POPULATIONS: Distribution 2 1
POPULATIONS: Abundance (including Density) 5
POPULATIONS: Age Structure
Populations: Age Structure White Oak
Populations: Age Structure Fremont Cottonwood
Age Structure: Large Cactus Finch
Population Age Structure: Survivorship (lx) 8
Population Age Structure: Reproduction R0: Net Reproductive Rate T: Generation Time
Population Age Structure: Growth Rates Non-Overlapping Reproduction Continuous Reproduction r = Per Capita Rate of Increase = Geometric Rate of Increase r > 0: Increasing > 1 : Increasing r < 0: Decreasing < 1: Decreasing
Patterns of Survivorships Fig. 10-18 in Molles 2006
Type I Survivorship Curve 12 Fig. 10-14 in Molles 2006
Type II Survivorship Curve 9 Fig. 10-16 in Molles 2006 10
Type III Survivorship Curve 11 Beeplant (Cleome) Fig. 10-17 in Molles 2006
Collecting Data for Analyzing Age Structure: Cohort Life Table Analysis Cohort: All individuals born at the same time
Cohort Lifetable: Monitor all individuals born in a given year until their death Age (Years) Number of Survivors 0-1 1,000 1-2 800 2-3 640 3-4 500 4-5 380 5-6 152 6-7 60 Cohort: A group of individuals of the same age
Problems with Cohort Life Tables?
Static Life Table Analysis Collecting Data for Survivorship Curves II: Static Life Table Analysis 15 16 Adolph Murie 14
Collect age data on individuals at time of death Static Life Table Collect age data on individuals at time of death Fig. 10.14 in Molles 2006
Survivorship Curve for Dall Sheep (Based on Static Life Table Analysis) Fig. 10-14 in Molles 2006
Assumption of Static Life Table Analysis: Proportion of skulls in each age class = Proportion of individuals who die in each age class
Combining Life Tables with Fecundity Schedules (Continuous Reproduction) Table 10.2 in Molles 2006 (continued)
Useful Life Table Notation x: Age in years dx: Number of individuals dead in a given time interval nx: Number of individuals surviving to beginning of x lx: Proportion of original individuals surviving to beginning of x mx: Number of individuals produced per individual during time period x
Ro = ∑ lxmx Indices of Population Growth Ro: Net Reproductive Rate (Animals: Total # females produced per female in one lifetime) (Ro < 1, population size is decreasing) (Ro = 1, population size is not changing) (Ro > 1, population size is increasing) Ro = ∑ lxmx
(Mean age of a Female when Giving Birth) Indices of Population Growth T: Generation Time (Mean age of a Female when Giving Birth) ∑ x lx mx T = __________ Ro
Indices of Population Growth r: Per Capita Rate of Increase (= birth rate – death rate) (If r < 0, population is decreasing) (If r = 0, population is not changing) (If r > 0, population is increasing) ln Ro _______ r = T
Common Mud Turtle (K. subrubrum)
ln Ro _______ r = T Table 10.2 in Molles 2006 (continued)
1 http://www.desertusa.com/mag05/nov/images/no4creosote.jpg 2 http://www.swsbm.com/Maps/Larrea_tridentata.gif 3 http://www.sourcepointherbs.org/larrea.JPG 4 http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/waxcamps/images/creosote-lg.jpg 5 http://www.mobot.org/jwcross/duckweed/graphics/frog_in_ duckweed.gif 6 http://canalphotos.org/8-28_canal_duckweed_2_PS_rz.jpg 7 http://www.highmars.org/niac/images/dweed02.jpg 8 http://abell.as.arizona.edu/~hill/4x4/gila104.gif 9 http://www.science.smith.edu/stopoverbirds/birdpixs/images/ American%20Robin.jpg
10 http://sdakotabirds.com/species/photos/white_crowned_sparrow.jpg 11 http://www.boxerwood.com/PHOTO%20TOUR/images/ julyblooming/cleome.jpg 12 http://www.princewilliamsoundcruises.com/images/dall-sheep.jpg 13 http://www.ci.el-paso.tx.us/green_infrastructure/_images/image1b.jpg 14 http://www.texas-hunts.com/Armenian%20Red%20Sheep%201.JPG 15 http://www.bucktrack.com/Alaska_Brooks_Range_Traverse/Photos/ Dall_Sheep_Skull.jpg 16 http://www.atpm.com/10.11/ireland/images/glendalough-cemetary-420.jpg 17 http://www.igallopon.com/images/2006/54/t4.jpg 18 http://www.v-liz.com/galapagos/espanola/gardne~1/finch1.jpg 19 http://www.hiltonpond.org/images/TurtleMudAnterior01.jpg