Expectations for international MARGINS' collaborations from the point of view of an "active margin" country Gaku KIMURA The University of Tokyo iFREE JAMSTEC
One Day Suddenly! 2004 Sumatra Tsunami 1944 Tonankai Earthquake Mie Prefecture
Top 12 since 20C 1906 Equador 1923 Kamchatka 1938 Banda 1950 Tibet 1952 Kamchatka 1957 Alaska 1960 Chile 1963 Kuril 1964 Alaska 1965 Rat Alaska 2004 Sumatra 2005 N.Sumatra Nankai Trough: Longest Historical Record
Ide et al., 2007
Obana & Kodaira, 2009
国土地理院/世界最稠密 GPS 南海トラフ Recent Great Discoveries Obara, Science 2002, Ito et al., Science 2007, Ide et al., Nature 2007 Plate boundary depth contour Rupture Area Deep Low Frequency Tremor Deep ultra-low Frequency Tremor Slow slip Shallow ultra Low Frequency Tremor
Soon: Direct observation within fault zone bore hole Recent Great Discoveries : far field observation Deep LFT Shallow LFT Chikyu
Moore et al., 2009
Splay Fault Oceanic Crust Decollement 3D Nankai accretionary wedge Moore et al., 2007, 2009
The splay Fault from the bottom
Many landslides around active portion of the splay fault
Horizontal slice at -2910m Clear deformation of young (<0.5My) slope sediments
南海トラフ海底地形・断面図 フィリピン海プレート Splay Fault 10cm X-ray CT Drilling Result of the splay fault Kinoshita, Tobin et al., 2009
1944 Tonankai! Disturbed mud is a key
Analyzed by Yamaguchi et al.
Conclusion 1.Nankai Trough SEIZE is a quite successful on- going international collaboration through individual PIs, IODP frame, Margins program and others. 2.International collaboration is strongly expected from “active margin” countries because natural geo-hazard issues are so serious and urgent. 3.A new frame of international MARGINs is expected in each country.