Junior College Night Mullen High School December 2, 2015 Ms. Santillo, Director of College Counseling, L-Z Mrs. Eggleston, College Counselor, A-K to for important reminders
Overview College Timeline Testing Criteria Colleges Use for Acceptance College Exploration Naviance College Application Process Preview Student-Athletes & the NCAA
What has happened so far this year… JET College Fair in September Junior Level Meeting in September College Rep visits (September-November) Junior Naviance small group classes PSAT in October
What to be thinking about now… Do your homework and study! Focus on your academic performance. Get to know your teachers! You’ll be asking junior teachers for recommendations this spring. Stay involved in extracurricular activities. If you have a new interest, pursue it! Plan college visits (formal or informal) during school breaks. Attend college fairs in your area. Consider size, location, degrees offered, reputation, selectivity, family connections, majors, and extracurricular offerings to determine what type of school may be a good match.
What to expect… College Financial Aid Night – December 8 6PM Individual meeting with your College Counselor PSAT Results Distribution – December 15 th (if scores arrive in time) Denver Spring College Fair – April 24 DU (time TBA) Mock Admissions Committee at Mullen this spring (date TBA) College application essay draft in English III B (T2 or T3) with the College Counselors Teacher recommendations in April – Junior Level Meeting College Essay/Application Workshop in August
What to know about Testing Review score results from the October PSAT when available in December/January to determine what kind of test prep you may need. See your College Counselor to discuss your individual testing-taking strategy. Prepare for the ACT/SAT and review upcoming test dates. Register for the SAT Subject tests (if needed) this year.
What to know about Testing Registration – School code: or Juniors should begin taking the ACT, SAT, and SAT Subject Tests (where applicable) in the winter/spring of their junior year. Non-Report Testing Options Nearly 850 four-year colleges and universities deemphasize the use of standardized tests in making admissions decisions by offering waiver or non-report options. For a complete listing of schools with Non-Report Testing Options, go to
Upcoming Tests ACT December 12, 2015 February 6, 2016 April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 September 10, 2016 October 22, 2016 December 10, 2016 SAT (*rSAT) December 5, 2015 (SAT & Subject Tests) January 23, 2016 (SAT & Subject Tests) March 5, 2016* (SAT only) May 7, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) June 4, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) October 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) November 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests)
Upcoming Tests – Scenario 1 ACT December 12, 2015 February 6, 2016 April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 (September 10, 2016) October 22, 2016 December 10, 2016 SAT (*rSAT) December 5, 2015 (SAT & Subject Tests) January 23, 2016 (SAT & Subject Tests) March 5, 2016* (SAT only) May 7, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) June 4, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) October 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) November 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests)
Upcoming Tests – Scenario 2 ACT December 12, 2015 February 6, 2016 April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 (September 10, 2016) October 22, 2016 December 10, 2016 SAT (*rSAT) December 5, 2015 (SAT & Subject Tests) January 23, 2016 (SAT & Subject Tests) March 5, 2016* (SAT only) May 7, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) June 4, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) (October 2016*) (SAT & Subject Tests) November 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests)
Upcoming Tests – Scenario 3 ACT December 12, 2015 February 6, 2016 April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 (September 10, 2016) October 22, 2016 December 10, 2016 SAT (*rSAT) December 5, 2015 (SAT & Subject Tests) January 23, 2016 (SAT & Subject Tests) March 5, 2016* (SAT only) May 7, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests ) June 4, 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests) (October 2016*) (SAT & Subject Tests) November 2016* (SAT & Subject Tests)
Criteria Colleges Use for Acceptance 1.Academic Record 2.College Admission Standardized Test Scores (ACT, SAT and SAT Subject Tests) 3.Extracurricular Activities and Work Experience 4.Teacher and Counselor Recommendations 5.Essays 6.Interview 7.Special Talents and Characteristics
Trivia Time! “We’re playing who!?” Which University of California school has a Banana Slug as its mascot? It takes brains to be funny. What school did Conan O’Brien go to? This university is known for having the largest co-op program which gives students the opportunity to work in over 100 cities worldwide. Name the school: How to Win Friends and Influence People author + honeydew
College Exploration & Visits College Exploration College Representatives visiting Mullen College Fairs Naviance College Search tool Visits Start Local Plan Ahead Research the College Before You Visit Go on a Scheduled Tour Do your Homework! Keep Notes and Reflect On What You’ve Seen
Application Pool Terminology Non-Binding Admissions (commit by May 1) Early Action (EA) Single Choice Early Action (SCEA) Restrictive Early Action (REA) Priority Rolling Regular Decision Binding Admissions (commit when applying) Early Decision (ED)
Naviance Sign up for college rep visits Build an activities résumé Complete on-line surveys Manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges Compare GPA, ACT/SAT scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past
College Application Process Preview Your steps: 1.Complete the college application online 2.Send your scores (minimum 2 weeks before the deadline) 3.Complete a pink Transcript Request Form (1 per college) to your College Counselor a minimum of 15 school days before any deadline you are trying to reach. Then your College Counselor will: 1.request any missing teacher recommendations from your teachers. 2.request your counselor rec or write your counselor rec. 3.submit your transcript and letters of rec by the deadline. 4.automatically send your Mid-Year Grades (T1) to the college. 5.automatically send your Final Transcript to whichever college you choose to attend.
Tips for Success Create a “professional” Start a college bin der/file system Start tracking awards, activities, etc. Track schools of interest, visits, contacts Keep testing results Keep master list of all log-on and passwords for: ACT/SAT website accounts Applications Scholarship services Naviance
Student-Athletes and Recruitment 1.Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. 2.Register for an ACT/SAT soon. College coaches will want to know your initial scores and transcript to see if they can recruit you. 3.Speak with your athletic coach to find out what division/conferences where they think you can play. Consider what level is right for you. 4.Have an online Player Profile (berecruited.com) and/or an *Athletic Resume* that you can send to coaches via . 5.Have a *Spreadsheet* to keep track of who you are contacting and how often. 6.Reach out to coaches via * * with your Player Profile and schedule. 7.Complete the Athletic Questionnaire on a colleges website. 8.Follow-up! Don’t wait for them to contact you!
Student-Athletes and the NCAA Eligibility Center Student Responsibilities: Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center by May 1 of Junior Year: Be sure to list Mullen as your high school. Send one ACT/SAT to the Eligibility Center (code 9999) that is high enough to be eligible. Pay the fee or see your College Counselor if you believe you are eligible for a fee waiver. Mullen Responsibilities: We automatically send an official transcript to the NCAA once you are registered. We automatically send an official transcript to the NCAA once you have graduated.
Other Resources to Mullen Website/Counseling Brochures by the College Counseling office – please take them!