Handpicked by Roosevelt to be the next Republican nominee Easily defeated Democratic nominee Williams Bryan Pledged to carry on TR’s progressive programs – Pursued more than 90 antitrust cases – Supported numerous other reforms Gave into Republican “old guard” which resisted many progressive programs – His failure to reduce tariffs caused progressives in his party to turn away from him. Eventually aligning with the Bull Moose Party
Taft seen as compromising on another important progressive cause Taft's Secretary of the Interior, Richard Ballinger sold several million rich coal deposit Alaskan acres to a private group When Gifford Pinchot, head of Forest Services, claimed Ballinger had shown special preference to the buying group……… Taft had him fired This upset the progressive faction within the Republican Party – They joined forces with Democrats to investigate Ballin ger Although never found guilty Ballinger eventually resigned – They also went after the “old Republican guard” changing the way committees are formed in the House Caused a party crisis in 1910
Following Taft’s election Roosevelt left for hunting trip to Africa Only to return to wildly cheering crowds and strong protests against Taft
This battle between Taft and the Progressives was to hard for Roosevelt to resist Roosevelt soon began speaking on behalf of the Progressive candidates in the Midterm election He called for more federal regulation of –B–Businesses –W–Welfare legislation –S–Stronger workplace protections (especially women & children) –I–Income & inheritance taxes –D–Direct primaries –A–And other Progressive reforms He called this program the New Nationalism
Roosevelt & Taft both vied for the Republican nomination – Taft won it easily Republican progressives cried fraud marching out, vowing to form their own party This led to them forming the Progressive Party They immediately nominated TR who readily accepted it – After nominated TR quipped “ I am as fit as a bull moose” – The nickname stuck hence The Bull Moose Party
During his terms Woodrow Wilson lowered many tariffs and instituted financial reforms In 1913 he helped establish the Federal Reserve System – The system created 8 to 12 regional federal reserve banks to which its purpose was to: Help influence monetary and credit (economy) Be a stabilizing force among financial institutions Created a new national currency (Federal Reserve note) – Which allowed to the Federal Reserve to expand or contract the amount of money in circulation
1914 Congress passed the Clayton Antitrust Act – It spelled out specific activities that big business could not do They could not use contracts to prevent buyers from purchasing goods from their competitors – It also lent support to unions Strikes, peaceful picketing, and boycotts are now legal This prevented courts form issuing injunctions unless union activity led to “ irreparable injury to property” – With this act the government was now fully committed to regulating business In 1914 Wilson & Congress created the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to which its purpose was to: – Set up fair trade laws – Enforce antitrust laws
He was less active in the social justice legislation – He allowed his Cabinet officers to extend the Jim Crow practice of separating the races in federal offices – He was opposed to a constitutional amendment on women’s suffrage Based this on his party’s platform of not endorsing it Though he changed his support later based on World War I when women took factory jobs in support of the war effort In a speech on September 18, 1918, he said “We have made partners of the women in this war. Shall we admit them only to a partnership of suffering and sacrifice and toil and not to a partnership of right?”
By the mid 1910s Progressives took pride in the many changes that they helped bring about – Yes they redefined the role of governments dealings with business and politics but there were limits » They focused primarily on the city problems » What about nonunionized labor? » Many supported imperialistic policies and believing in Social Darwinism » What about minority rights? Yes many favored a woman's suffrage because it would double the white vote By August 1914 war had broken out in Europe – Calls for war began to drown out calls for reform – By 1916 the reform spirit had mostly left……except for woman’s suffrage
Key Terms to Know Conservationists New Nationalism New Freedom Bull Moose Party Clayton Antitrust Act Federal Reserve System Read section 4 pages 557 – 560