Construction Objective 7.07 Explain the characteristics of structural systems. zConstruction: The process of building, erecting or constructing buildings, roads, or other structures. zTypes zResidential zCommercial zIndustrial zPublic Works
Residential zResidential-buildings are dwellings that people live in. These buildings can be single-family or multifamily dwellings such as mobile homes, apartments, condominiums, or personal homes. Multifamily units include duplexes and townhouses. A duplex is two apartments together under one roof. A townhouse is a two story single unit but usually is arranged beside other similar units. Townhouses are also referred to as row houses.
Industrial xIndustrial – structures are designed and constructed to specifications that meet the requirements of the processes conducted by the particular industry. For example, a foundry must have a large open space for gantry cranes and extremely huge exhaust systems. Concrete floors must be poured much thicker than in residential or standard commercial structures.
Commercial xCommercial-structures that are used for business or government purposes. Materials and techniques used in commercial construction are different from those used in residential construction. For example, building codes may require steel framing for public-use buildings to reduce fire risks. However, single family dwellings may only require wood frames due to the reduced wear and tear on the structure and the cost effectiveness. Architects, structural engineers and sometimes civil engineers work on the design and construction of these sorts of structures.
Public Works xPublic Works-consist of structures intended for public use or benefit such as roadways, bridges, utilities, water, sewage, etc. These are the sorts of projects that civil engineers and structural engineers will work on. These projects are usually funded by federal, state, or local taxes. Referred to in the construction video as Civil Construction.