12/10/15 Persuasive Writing
Purpose of Persuasive Writing In a persuasive letter, you state your opinion or your feelings about something that is important to you. Your letter needs to have facts, reasons and examples to support your opinion. In a really good persuasive letter, you must try to imagine what arguments the person receiving the letter might bring AGAINST your point of view. Your letter will offer solutions for these arguments. In the letter, you also make a request and you ask the reader to act on it.
6 steps to Persuasive Writing 1.Brilliant Beginning 2.Counter Argument 3.Position Statement 4.Supporting Argument #1 5.Supporting Argument #2 6.Call to Action / Restate position statement
1 st Paragraph (steps 1-3) In an Essay, open with a Brilliant Beginning relevant to your topic. In a LETTER, identify what makes your opinion credible to the topic discussed and state your position. EXAMPLE: As a dedicated ECISD teacher of 12 th grade students at Odessa High School, I have unique insight concerning the growing student population within ECISD high schools and believe we should open a 3 rd high school in Odessa. Counter Argument – Recognize the counter argument – this is merely stated, not supported. NO JUDGMENTS HERE! EXAMPLE: I recognize the enormous challenge this would present our district considering the current teacher and staff shortage we currently face. POSITION STATEMENT – This is the persuasive version of a thesis statement. EXAMPLE: However, opening another high school campus would create manageable classroom sizes conducive to student learning and increase teacher retention by decreasing burnout due to heavy student caseloads.
1 st Paragraph EXAMPLE As a dedicated ECISD teacher of 12 th grade students at Odessa High School, I have unique insight concerning the growing student population within ECISD high schools and believe we should open a 3 rd high school in Odessa. I recognize the enormous challenge this would present our district considering the existing teacher and staff shortage we currently face. However, opening another high school campus would create manageable classroom sizes conducive to student learning and increase teacher retention by decreasing burnout due to heavy student caseloads. Things to Remember… 1.Know your audience; use professional, appropriate language. 2.Start with a friendly opening sentence that establishes your credibility (this is called ETHOS), then get straight to the point – whole paragraph = 3 to 4 sent. 3.State your opinion. You must pick a side. 4.Acknowledge the counter argument to YOUR choice/ argument.) 5.Position Statement must refer to 2 supporting arguments you will be discussing. 6. DO NOT BELITTLE THE READER!
2 nd & 3 rd paragraphs steps 4 & 5 Each paragraph is ONE supportive argument with evidence for support Topic Sentence – State the supportive argument and WHY it is important to your topic. EXAMPLE: SUPPORTIVE ARGUMENT #1: Manageable classroom sizes are conducive to student learning. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? EXAMPLE: SUPPORTING ARGUMENT #2: Increase teacher retention by decreasing burnout. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Provide evidence to support claims/ arguments with specific examples Use literary devices and adjectives to add passion and voice to your arguments For Letter Subjective Final – MUST have 1 literary device (iShampoo) in supportive argument paragraph and multiple adjectives throughout letter.
Conclusion – Call to Action step 6 Restate Position Statement & Counter Argument. Why do you believe you argument is more important? EXAMPLE: While opening another composite high in Odessa presents challenges in staff fulfillment, increasing student learning through smaller classes and retaining experienced teachers is vital to the educational success of our kids in school and beyond. Call to Action – tell the reader what you want them to do. Be specific. EXAMPLE: Our city is growing east and north, therefore, we must address the growing student population and build the new school in the north part of the city in the Lawndale area. Not only will this help reduce classroom size and help with turnover, we can appeal to potential new teachers about our willingness to development outside of traditional concepts. Letter: Thank the reader for taking the time to read your letter. EXAMPLE: Thank you for creating the opportunity for the community to voice feedback about this important local issue. Happy Holidays!
Last Paragraph EXAMPLE While opening another composite high in Odessa presents challenges in staff fulfillment, increasing student learning through smaller classes and retaining experienced teachers is vital to the educational success of our kids in school and beyond. Our city is growing east and north, therefore, we must address the growing student population and build the new school in the north part of the city in the Lawndale area. Not only will this help reduce classroom size and help with turnover, we can appeal to potential new teachers about our willingness to development outside of traditional concepts. Thank you for creating the opportunity for the community to voice feedback about this important local issue. Happy Holidays!