to 6 th grade!! Parent Night 2015
NGSS – Next Generation Science Standards “When you get students interested in why and how something happens, their natural curiosity leads them to want to know more.” Carolyn Higgins higgins.aspx higgins.aspx I am a member of District 47’s Middle School Science curriculum alignment committee
The Future of Science Education
Science Topics First Trimester: IQWST (Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology) How Does Water Shape Our World? Second Trimester: PBIS (Problem Based Inquiry Science) Weather Watch – How Would You Respond to a Severe Weather Event? Third Trimester - TBA
Assignment Notebook Students should bring to class everyday!! Great for parent – teacher communication!!
Supplies Prepared students are successful students Supply List is on-line and on my website Supplies needed for class are listed on the board I do understand sometimes there is an economic reason…please see me and I will do what I can to help, I usually have extra supplies and the office occasionally receives donations.
Other Important Info I-Pad Classroom students need ear buds for class policy letter went home this week Absences – check website, me Band Lessons/Missing Class
Resources Bernotas Middle School Website ParentVue My website – homework listed nightly, schedule, supplies, printable pages, etc. Twitter
How You Can Help Check assignment notebooks (nightly if possible) Check websites Communicate Replenish supplies as needed
About Me My 15 th year teaching 6 th grade at Bernotas Also teach Earth Science classes part-time at MCC Live in Woodstock My 19 year old son is a sophmore at Loyola University, Chicago in the ROTC program My 13 year old daughter is in 8 th grade this year Being a parent myself, I understand how hectic the balance between home and school can be. If there are any special concerns, contact me any time.
Thank You Thank you so much for attending Parent Night!!! Working together we can make this a great and successful 6 th grade year for you and your child. I am honored to play a part in your child’s academic and social development as a student and person. Thank you in advance for your support. Please feel free to contact me at anytime with any questions or concerns.
for coming in tonight!!