What is Bullying? Sherene Gardner Delaware City Schools
Working Together… We Can Say No To Bullying & Create A Place Where Everyone Is Respected and Safe We Can Say No To Bullying & Create A Place Where Everyone Is Respected and Safe
Definition of Bullying An Imbalance of Power Repetition
Four Types of Bullying PhysicalVerbalRelationalCyber Hitting, Kicking, or Pushing someone. Stealing, Hiding or Stealing someone’s things. Making someone do something he/she does not want to do. Name Calling Teasing Insulting Refusing to talk to someone. Spreading lies and rumors about someone. Making someone feel left out or rejected. When someone is being tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another person/persons using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.
Who Is A Bully?
All Bullies Have One Thing in Common: Something or someone is making him/her feel insecure. Therefore, the bully is trying to make themselves feel better.
Who is the Target for Bullying?
Possible reasons for being a target… can be bigger or smaller than most kids their age. minority. have a disability. an unusual name. anxious or upset easily. not have many friends or is usually alone. not have a lot of confidence may not stand up for themselves.
How to Deal with Bullying…
What To Do… IGNORE THE BULLLY TELL THEM TO STOP in a clear calm voice. TURN AND WALK AWAY GO WHERE THERE ARE ADULTS REMEMBER You are not the one with the problem… The bully is. REPORT IT TO AN ADULT! Don’t show them you are upset. Take A Stand! Stand up to help others being bullied Report Cyber Bullying Immediately! Start talking to someone else nearby. Walk to the office. Distract ACT CONFIDENT Stand up straight Hold your head up Find another friend to be with… Talk to a parent, counselor, teacher, or principal.
think they will be powerful by siding with the bully. think they will get bullied if they say something. think the bully will be their friend. think it is funny and are entertained.
Some things you can say if someone is getting bullied…
Does it make you feel better to hurt other people or take their things? Do you sometimes use your size and strength to get your way? Have you been bullied and feel like you have to bully others? Do you feel powerful, popular, or good when you say mean things and/or physically hurt other people. If so then YOU might be a BULLY!
If you are a bully here are some ways to Apologize to people that you have bullied and follow it up by being friendly. If you are having a hard time feeling good about yourself explore ways to feel better I.e., join a team, exercise regularly, study more, and be friendly. If you have trouble with your feelings talk to your parents or counselor.
Friendship Choose friends who have good character traits and make good choices. Listen to your voice, not the voices of the crowd. True friends are positive, they are not physical with people, spread rumors, or put people down. When in a conflict, friends solve the problem and do not attack the person.
Thank You!! STAND UP & SPEAK OUT!!