Your Way To Success Taken From ‘ Dawn’ 22 Feb, 2004 Writen By Andleeb Abbas
Quote “ The difference between mediocrity and excellence is attitude ”
States of Cynicism I know I m not going to get that job I need to lose weight but I can’t. Everyone keeps telling me walking and exercise will help, but I know it wont work for me. Nothing ever does I have overdrawn on my bank account and I have no way of getting any money to put it back All the above conditions shows your negative attitude. Thinking negatively will keep you from getting the things you want or being where you want to be in life
Optimistic Approach Following list consist of 10 steps to help you raise your self-esteem
1.Enjoy Risks Remember without risk, there is no progress If you don’t try something new, you will never know something different about yourself Learn to be a risk taker in at least some aspect of your life Taking a class or learning something new will make you discover new things about yourself
2.Visualize Success Imagine that your goals have been achieved Visualize of owning a home, car, start a business have children or travel Visualization give you motivation, energy Make a habit of day dreaming
3.Celebrate and Commemorate Start a victory wall of accomplishments Giving ourselves a boost by showcasing our triumphs and achievements
4.Share Gratitude Remember to thank people who are helpful to you Boosting morale in others is important It says good things about you if you are able to acknowledge strengths and triumphs in those around you
5.Treat Yourself At Night Make your bedtime a happy, quiet time Set some part of the evening for him/herself Learn to create Heaven around you, to nurture yourself and treat yourself well Always feel tomorrow will be better, and many times it is If you don’t create sense of calm about you, who will?
6. Track Your Progress Outline your personal goals Keep track of your goals through index cards or use a similar system Our lives are constantly in a state of change, so our goals will experience similar changes
7. Unclutter Your Life Simplify your life Stop worrying about what others think and do Don’t cling yourself to something which reminds you of the past The only thing holding you back is you
8. Accept Failures Don’t give up! Its rare person who never suffers from blooper or a social mishap The best thing to do is to persevere when we start something Failures are the ladder of success
9. Create a Buddy System We all want to cry over somebody’s shoulder Find a strong and sincere shoulder Invest in true friends Take care of your friend’s problems Nurture your relationship End product you will get tremendous sustenance
10.Have Faith Remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said : “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” You need to become your best friend and biggest fan Always believe that God is fair and generous, and someday, He will compensate you