Romans 12-16. The grace of God is the help He gives us through His love and mercy. It is the power by which He enables us to perform works of righteousness.


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Presentation transcript:

Romans 12-16

The grace of God is the help He gives us through His love and mercy. It is the power by which He enables us to perform works of righteousness and gain eternal life Romans 12:6 Romans 15:15 Acts 15:11 2 Nephi 25:23 Before Jesus Christ’s mortal ministry, He commanded His followers to offer animal sacrifices Atonement. Today the Lord commands us to offer ourselves as “living sacrifices” by dedicating our lives in obedience and service Romans 12: 1-3 Romans 12: Nephi 9: Moroni 10:32 Each member of the Church has different spiritual gifts. We are like parts of a body, joined together to form a whole. We must each contribute our talents without thinking that we are more important than others. Romans 12:3-8 Romans 12: 13-18

If we truly love all people, we are fulfilling the law of God Romans 13:8-10 We are not to judge others but should work on being righteous ourselves. We must help and fellowship one another, especially those who may be weaker in the faith Romans 14:1-21 Romans 15: 1-7 We must avoid those who teach false doctrines and create divisions in the Church. Such people are serving themselves, not God Romans 16:17-18

Romans 12 Paul counsels the Saints to present their bodies as a living sacrifice, to use their own grace-given gifts, and to live as Saints should live

Romans 13 Paul Counsels, Be subject unto God’s ministers; keep the commandments; love one another; righteousness leads to salvation

Romans 14 Avoid quarreling about opinions and making unrighteous judgment of each other Every knee will bow to Christ The kingdom of God embraces righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost

Romans 15 True Saints fellowship one another Paul recounts his diligence in preaching the gospel The gifts of the Spirit are poured out upon the Gentiles

Romans 16 Paul sends greeting to various saints He counsels the Saints to avoid those who cause divisions The Saints should be wise concerning good and innocent concerning evil

Romans  BeseechPlead with  Many members in Many members in one church one body  AbhorHate, despise  CleaveJoin, fasten together  Coals of fireFeeling of guilt  Beareth not the swordWill certainly execute judgment in vain  Make not provisionDo not focus on or provide for

Romans  Doubtful disputationsDisagreements over personal opinions  Set at nought thy brotherTreat your brother as nothing  EsteemethAppreciate, consider of worth, care about  InfirmitiesWeaknesses caused by not knowing the truth  EdificationImprovement, uplift  LaudPraise  Thitherward by youToward you  SoccourerOne who helps and comforts  ChamberlainTrusted servant

“ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:16-17 Testimony of Paul to the Romans:

President Ezra Taft Benson “Just as a man does not really desire food until he is hungry, so he does not desire the salvation of Christ until he knows why he needs Christ. “No one adequately and properly knows why he needs Christ until he understands and accepts the doctrine of the Fall and its effect upon all mankind”