Industry data quality, ownership and governance Meeting with UNC 17 July 2014
2 Agenda Background and issue Output and timings Engagement – Industry and Ofgem role
3 Background and issue Our high level objective is for the core industry data that supports CoS to be accurate. This supports fast, accurate and cost effective transfers. Stakeholders report that data quality issues are having an impact on the CoS process; this also affects consumer perceptions of the market and willingness to engage/switch We have identified address and metering data as areas of concern; recognise other areas may be relevant to improving data quality. Meeting these concerns and objective requires responsible parties to have proportionate obligations and/or commercial incentives to ensure data is accurate.
4 Output and timings We request UNC panel, IGT UNC Panel, SPAA executive, BSC panel and MRA Exec review and report to Ofgem by end of December 2014 on: o Relevant data items - which support switching and wider processes – i.e. an exhaustive list of issues to take forward. o Current arrangements - DQ and monitoring code obligations; accuracy processes; enforcement measures; and data accuracy responsibility. o Potential remedies - current and additional proportionate improvements (particularly preventative ones) to secure data accuracy ta quality issues re. settlement? We encourage parties to share their assessment methods and provide evidence based assessments
5 Engagement - Industry and Ofgem’s role We would like those responsible for the codes to drive the process: o welcome an cross-industry approach o expect joint report from those responsible for Electricity, and similarly so from those responsible for Gas. Ofgem would like to support the above by monitoring work progress, and by helping to co-ordinate progress with wider audiences: o E.g. attending groups which are set up to discuss progress on the issues o could convene a meeting (e.g. a COSEG) to present findings before final report.