The Sioux Tribe By Alexandra and Matt
Location Plains Hundreds of years ago lived in what is now Rapid City, Minnesota and Black Hills of S. Dakota, and Pine Ridge Reservation. Plains Hundreds of years ago lived in what is now Rapid City, Minnesota and Black Hills of S. Dakota, and Pine Ridge Reservation.
Shelter Houses were easily movable lived in teepees made of wooden poles covered with painted buffalo hides Fire was in the middle of teepee Men hunt and bring skins back to women to scrape and stretch into leather for their use. Houses were easily movable lived in teepees made of wooden poles covered with painted buffalo hides Fire was in the middle of teepee Men hunt and bring skins back to women to scrape and stretch into leather for their use.
food eat buffalo,bear,antelope,turkey and hens Shared all food with tribe Eat many wild fruits,nuts and berries None of buffalo was wasted Buffalo jerky and wild plants =soup+stew Buffalo= main food eat buffalo,bear,antelope,turkey and hens Shared all food with tribe Eat many wild fruits,nuts and berries None of buffalo was wasted Buffalo jerky and wild plants =soup+stew Buffalo= main food
Clothing Men and Women Leather=hair back Beads Quills, feathers Animal claws and teeth Men and Women Leather=hair back Beads Quills, feathers Animal claws and teeth Women shells Deerskin dresses Leggings Feathers in hair Women shells Deerskin dresses Leggings Feathers in hair Men Tight deerskin shirt Leggings Feather headdress Men Tight deerskin shirt Leggings Feather headdress
Sioux Culture One chief of Sioux was named Sitting Bull. Dog pulled their travois for teepees along with horses Plains were special because they offered food like buffalo,fox,wolves,rabbits,coyotes,antelope,bear and deer. Wore hair in braids Men pierced their ears. Sioux wore strips of animal skins, leather, or feathers in their hair. Sioux kept track of time using winter count. When at war, painted horses. One chief of Sioux was named Sitting Bull. Dog pulled their travois for teepees along with horses Plains were special because they offered food like buffalo,fox,wolves,rabbits,coyotes,antelope,bear and deer. Wore hair in braids Men pierced their ears. Sioux wore strips of animal skins, leather, or feathers in their hair. Sioux kept track of time using winter count. When at war, painted horses.
Interesting Facts Men eat liver from freshly killed animal. Men and women pierced ears. Lewis and Clarke encountered during journey. Some chiefs were Red cloud, Crazy horse,Wounded knee and Vine Deloria Men eat liver from freshly killed animal. Men and women pierced ears. Lewis and Clarke encountered during journey. Some chiefs were Red cloud, Crazy horse,Wounded knee and Vine Deloria