GE 541 The Economic Geography of Transport September 2, 2008 Introduction to the Course
Transport provides utility of a place at a distance 1. expands the range of your activities - broadens your horizons e.g. Adam Smith as a gentleman’s tutor 2. as transport costs fall, increased flows of people of goods of services of ideas, knowledge and culture 3. Transport as a transforming force When aided by new operational processes and organizational changes in transport using activities Promotion of a new economic geography of production and consumption Importance of Transport
Transport innovations and how they transform the economy, the settlement and knit together various regions & countries Physical innovations (e.g. containers, jet air craft & the interstate highway system Non physical innovations e.g. business logistical systems - reinvention of crossboard flows of goods Course will focus on the following topics:
History of Transport is One of Innovation Infrequent at first (e.g., wheel, stirrup, sailing ship) Quickening pace in recent times e.g. steamship, locomotive, electric streetcar, internal combustion engines, jet aircraft, containers, ‘megaships’ also, tunnels, suspension bridges, rail roads, interstate, modern airports & marine terminals. vehicles infrastructure
Logistical Innovations Transformation of production by transport and IT
Economic Consequences of Transport Investment - Microeconomic Modeling - Macroeconomic Modeling - Broader Economic Consequences - Evidence from Economic History - General Equilibrium Modeling
Transport Externalities - Congestion - Pollution
Urban Public Transportation in Advanced Countries Affluence, social incentives and automobility Declining transit Environmental concerns and policy responses
Transport Regulation, Deregulation Competition and Privatization
Urban Transportation Issues in Industrializing Countries