Essential Music Vocabulary Review
Directions: Identify the music vocabulary word that matches the given definition. Students will be called at random so everyone should be prepared to answer. Please respect your classmates right to think and avoid blurting.
From the Italian word meaning time, this refers to the pace or speed of the piece of music.
A low pitched sound or the tones in the lowest range of a voice or instrument.
This is musical color. Each instrument or voice has its own color and produces its own mood or emotion. Varying combinations of instruments produce different textures and distinctive colors.
The flow of music through time. It has several interrelated aspects: beat, meter, accent, syncopation, and tempo.
The volume or loudness of a tone. It can range from very quiet/soft (pianissimo) to very loud (fortissimo) and contains words and symbols like crescendo (gradually becoming louder) and decrescendo (gradually becoming softer).
The part of music that we sing or play on an instrument. It is a series of notes arranged in a particular rhythmic pattern and divided up into smaller units called phrases. It is the horizontal structure of music.
The organization of musical elements in time. In a musical composition, pitch, tone color, dynamics, rhythm, melody, and texture interact to produce a sense of shape and structure.
The part of music that combines two or more notes to produce new sounds called chords. It is the vertical structure of music. It adds depth and texture to the piece.
Monophonic (one melody without accompaniment), homophonic (one melody accompanied by chords), and polyphonic (many different sounds) describe the way sounds are combined in music.
The flow of music through time. It has several interrelated aspects: beat, meter, accent, syncopation, and tempo.
The organization of musical elements in time. In a musical composition, pitch, tone color, dynamics, rhythm, melody, and texture interact to produce a sense of shape and structure.
This is musical color. Each instrument or voice has its own color and produces its own mood or emotion. Varying combinations of instruments produce different textures and distinctive colors.
The part of music that combines two or more notes to produce new sounds called chords. It is the vertical structure of music. It adds depth and texture to the piece.
From the Italian word meaning time, this refers to the pace or speed of the piece of music.
The volume or loudness of a tone. It can range from very quiet/soft (pianissimo) to very loud (fortissimo) and contains words and symbols like crescendo (gradually becoming louder) and decrescendo (gradually becoming softer).
A low pitched sound or the tones in the lowest range of a voice or instrument.
The part of music that we sing or play on an instrument. It is a series of notes arranged in a particular rhythmic pattern and divided up into smaller units called phrases. It is the horizontal structure of music.
Monophonic (one melody without accompaniment), homophonic (one melody accompanied by chords), and polyphonic (many different sounds) describe the way sounds are combined in music.
The flow of music through time. It has several interrelated aspects: beat, meter, accent, syncopation, and tempo.
From the Italian word meaning time, this refers to the pace or speed of the piece of music.
The organization of musical elements in time. In a musical composition, pitch, tone color, dynamics, rhythm, melody, and texture interact to produce a sense of shape and structure.
Monophonic (one melody without accompaniment), homophonic (one melody accompanied by chords), and polyphonic (many different sounds) describe the way sounds are combined in music.
A low pitched sound or the tones in the lowest range of a voice or instrument.
The part of music that combines two or more notes to produce new sounds called chords. It is the vertical structure of music. It adds depth and texture to the piece.
The volume or loudness of a tone. It can range from very quiet/soft (pianissimo) to very loud (fortissimo) and contains words and symbols like crescendo (gradually becoming louder) and decrescendo (gradually becoming softer).
The part of music that we sing or play on an instrument. It is a series of notes arranged in a particular rhythmic pattern and divided up into smaller units called phrases. It is the horizontal structure of music.
This is musical color. Each instrument or voice has its own color and produces its own mood or emotion. Varying combinations of instruments produce different textures and distinctive colors.