The Basics of Music Listening Elements and Terminology
Texture Monophonic Biphonic Homophonic Polyphonic Heterophonic
Biphonic Two distinct lines, the lower sustaining a drone (constant pitch) while the other line creates a more elaborate melody above it.
Monophonic Monophonic texture includes a single melodic line with no accompaniment. Sound clip HERE.HERE
Homophonic The most common texture in Western music: melody and accompaniment. Multiple voices of which one, the melody, stands out prominently and the others form a background of harmonic accompaniment. If all the parts have much the same rhythm, the homophonic texture can also be described as homorhythmic. Sound Clip HERE.HERE
Polyphonic Multiple melodic voices which are to a considerable extent independent from or in imitation with one another. Also known as Counterpoint.
Heterophonic Two or more voices simultaneously performing variations of the same melody.
What texture is this music?What texture is this music?
Meter/Metre Duple Meter Triple Meter
Meter Defined DupleTriple Duple meter is a meter in which each measure is divided into two beats, or a multiple thereof (quadruple meter). Examples ◦2/4 ◦4/4 ◦12/8 Triple meter is a meter in which each measure is divided into three beats, or a multiple thereof. Examples ◦3/4 ◦6/8 ◦9/8
Meter Listening Listen to the following pieces of music. Can you figure out their meter? Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
Sudden Changes - Dynamics Sforzando - ("forcing" or "forced") ◦(or sforzato or forzando or forzato), indicates a forceful accent and is abbreviated as sf, sfz or fz. An example of this is Hayden’s Surprise Symphony Mov. 2. Subito = suddely ◦Ex. Subito forte
Gradual Changes - Dynamics Crescendo / Decrescendo Diminuendo
Articulation Articulation refers to the musical performance technique that affects the transition or continuity on a single note, or between multiple notes or sounds. Tenuto Hold the note in question its full length (or longer, with slight rubato), or play the note slightly louder. Marcato Indicates a short note, long chord, or medium passage to be played louder or more forcefully than surrounding music. StaccatoSignifies a note of shortened duration Legato Indicates musical notes are to be played or sung smoothly and connected.
Instruments - Articulation WindsStrings Woodwind and brass in struments generally produce articulations by tonguing, the use of the tongue to break the airflow into the instrument. “Dah” is a commonly used syllable for proper tongue placement. Bowed stringed instruments use different bowing techniques to achieve different articulations. Pizzicato – pizz. Plucking with the finger. Pizzicato Arco – Playing with the bow. Arco
Articulation Symbols