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River crossed by Julius Caesar Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 1
Rubicon Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 1
Question: River that was the outer frontier of Rome beyond the Balkan peninsula Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 2
Danube Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 2
Early people thrown out of Rome, thus establishing the Republic Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 3
Etruscans Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 3
Name of the early people that settled on the plain of Latium Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 4
Latins Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 4
Animal that raised Romulus and Remus Question: Check Your Answer Topic 1 for 5
wolf Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for 5
The name of the mighty Roman army Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 1
Roman Legion Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 1
The wealthy citizens of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 2
Patricians Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 2
The name of the roads that all led to Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 3
Appian Way Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 3
Type of government established by Augustus Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 4
Empire Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 4
The primary occupation of most citizens of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 2 for 5
Farmers Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for 5
Reformers who tried to give land to the poor and were killed Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 1
Grachus Brothers Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 1
Friend of Caesar who betrayed him Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 2
Brutus Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 2
The man defeated by Caesar to gain complete control of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 3
Pompey Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 3
Farmer who became a dictator and saved Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 4
Cincinnatus Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 4
This emperor “fiddled” while Rome burned, persecuted Christians & killed his Mom Question: Check Your Answer Topic 3 for 5
Nero Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for 5
3 Reasons for the decline of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 1
Civil wars, plague, inflation Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 1
3 more reasons for the decline of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 2
Disloyalty of army, empire too large, attacks by invaders Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 2
3 more reasons for the decline of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 3
Lead poisoning, decline of values, Christianity later weakened Rome Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 3
3 more reasons for the decline of Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 4
Hired soldiers (mercenaries) No technology due to slavery No way to replace emperors Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 4
Name 3 groups that invaded Rome Question: Check Your Answer Topic 4 for 5
Visigoths, Vandals, Ostragoths (Angles, Saxons) Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for 5
The Greek word for messiah Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 1
Christos Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 1
Laws written down for Plebians Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 2
Twelve Tables Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 2
The writings of Paul and other Christians are found here Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 3
New Testament Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 3
Question: The people who founded Carthage Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 4
Phonecians Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 4
The first Christian emperor Question: Check Your Answer Topic 5 for 5
Constantine Answer: Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for 5