Time for you to move your hand and head !!! First Date
Key Voc √ cool (adjective): someone who is good- looking or attractive √ PG (noun): parental guidance √ come on (phrasal verb): used to express that something said is unreasonable
I. Pre-Listening Exercise Background: Imagine that your 16-year-old daughter is about to leave on her first date. What questions do you ask her before she leaves? Are you concerned at all? Why or why not?
II. Listening Exercise 1. What kind of movie is the girl going to see on her date? ○ horror ○ romance ○ science fiction
II. Listening Exercise 1. What kind of movie is the girl going to see on her date? ○ horror ○ romance ● science fiction
II. Listening Exercise 2. At what theater is the movie playing? ○ Central Palace ○ Campus Plaza ○ Common Plex
II. Listening Exercise 2. At what theater is the movie playing? ○ Central Palace ● Campus Plaza ○ Common Plex
II. Listening Exercise 3. How is the girl getting to the movie? ○ She is getting a ride with her brother. ○ Her date is coming to pick her up. ○ She is going by bus and will meet her date there.
II. Listening Exercise 3. How is the girl getting to the movie? ○ She is getting a ride with her brother. ● Her date is coming to pick her up. ○ She is going by bus and will meet her date there.
II. Listening Exercise 4. What time does the movie begin? ○ 7:30 p.m. ○ 8:00 p.m. ○ 8:30 p.m.
II. Listening Exercise 4. What time does the movie begin? ● 7:30 p.m. ○ 8:00 p.m. ○ 8:30 p.m.
II. Listening Exercise 5. What time does she have to be home? ○ 10:00 p.m. ○ 10:30 p.m. ○ 11:00 p.m.
II. Listening Exercise 5. What time does she have to be home? ○ 10:00 p.m. ○ 10:30 p.m. ● 11:00 p.m.
II. Listen to the conversation again as you finish the quiz script Girl: He's here. Bye Dad. Dad: Wait, wait, wait... Where are you going? Girl: Dad. I'll already told mom. I'm going out (1). Dad: Who with? You mean you're going on a date? Girl: Yeah. Mom met Dirk (2). [Dirk!?] He's sooo cool. We're going on a double-date with Cindy and Evan. Dad: Dirk. Girl: I have to go.
Dad: Wait, wait. I want to meet this (3). Girl: He's waiting for me. Dad: Well, so what are you going to do tonight? Going to the (4) ? Girl: Dad! We're going out to eat, and then we're going to (5) a movie. Dad: What movie and what is it rated? Girl: It's a science fiction (6) called... well, I don't know what it is called, but it's rated PG.
Dad: Hey, I was thinking about seeing a movie down there tonight, too. Girl: Ah, Dad. Dad: Hey, Let me meet that guy. [Father looks out the living room window... ] Hey, that guy has a (7) ! Girl: Dad. That's not Dirk. That's his older brother. He's taking us there! Can I go now? Dad: Well... Girl: Mom said I could, and mom knows his (8). Dad: Well... Girl: Dad.
Dad: Okay, but be home by 8:00. Girl: Eight!? The movie doesn't (9) until 7:30. Come on, Dad. Dad: Okay. Be (10) by 11:00. Girl: Love you, Dad. Dad: Love you, too. Girl: Bye. Dad: Bye.
Post-Listening Activity Could the daughter have done anything to make the father feel at ease?