By: Jackson
What did Rafe dress up as for Halloween A= a football player B= a vampire C= a donkey D= a ninja
Answer was D Rafe dressed up as a ninja so no one would see him when he was running down the halls. This would earn him 10,000 points for every 100 feet and he would put how many points he got in his Operation R.A.F.E. notebook.
What is Leo A= a dwarf B= an imaginary friend C= a pet spider D= a mutant
Answer was B Leo was Rafe’s brother but he died when they where very little but Leo stay’s with Rafe as an imaginary friend. Leo is the one who actually inspired Rafe to do Operation R.A.F.E.
What did Bear do to Rafe’s mom A= fed her watermelon B= threw a plush Chuck Cheese doll at her C= pushed her D= Baked her a cake
Answer was C Rafe’s mom and Bear where arguing about what to do with Rafe after they saw his Operation R.A.F.E stuff so Bear got mad and pushed Rafe’s mom. This broke Rafe’s mom’s wrist.
What school did Rafe decide to go to A= Airbrook B= BCS D= Yale C= Derby
Answer was A This one teacher noticed Rafe was very good at drawing so they decided to enroll him in this school all about art which is call Airbrook. Everybody thought this would be good for Rafe since he’s such a good drawer.