WELCOME to the “Lyons’ Den!”
Parents’ “To Do” List Read over your child’s “I am special booklet.” You may take this treasure home tonight. Your child wrote you a note in his/her journal. Please take a moment and write a short note back to them. Write a note of encouragement on the index card on your child’s desk. Complete your estimation for the estimation jar contest. Good luck! Explore your child’s classroom.
Room Parents Shannon Myers (Reagan’s mom) – Head Room Parent Nan Henderson (Isaac’s mom) – Assistant Room Parent
About Me Twelfth year teaching Married and mother of two wonderful twin girls My goal as your child’s teacher is to have him/her develop a love for learning Avid reader, sport fanatic, and animal lover
ScheduleSchedule 7:20 – 7:50:Early Bird/Morning Work 7:50 – 8:50:Math 8:50 – 9:00: Snack 9:00 – 10:25:Reading/Language Arts 10:25 – 10:55: PIE 10:55 – 11:25: Writing 11:25 – 11:55: Lunch 11:55 – 12:50: Social Studies/Science 12:50 – 1:20: Resource 1:20 – 1:50: Recess 1:50 – 2:00: Number Talks/Pack up
HomeworkHomework Along with a daily reading requirement, homework will be assigned each Monday – Thursday. It is the students’ responsibility to complete their homework on time and to turn it in the next day. Please check over assignments for accuracy. Students will have a homework quiz grade averaged into each subject area. They begin with a 100%. Two points are deducted from that average each time a homework assignment is not turned in. Please let me know if your child is experiencing any difficulties with completion of homework.
GradingGrading Students will be graded on quizzes, tests, essays, classwork assignments, homework completion, and projects/book reports. On major projects/book reports a rubric will always be provided well in advance of the due date. Grading Scale: A90 – 100C70 – 79F B80 – 89D
ExpectationsExpectations Class/School Rules- Respect, Responsibility, Safety The most important rule in my class is: Students must respect themself, others, the school, and learning. RESPECTRESPECT
Classroom Management Monthly Contract Bucket Filling
CommunicationCommunication Classroom Blog: Weekly Newsletter Contact: Phone Contact: Second Grade Blog:
A Look Ahead at Some Fun 2 nd Grade Activities U.S. Cookie Maps American Indian Day Winter Performance Dragon Parade & China Day Young Scientists Lessons Bunny Fraction Biscuits Geometric Creatures Science Experiments Math Science Center Lessons
Important Dates SEPTEMBER 23: No school/Staff Development December 8: 2 nd Grade Winter Performance Spring 2015: 2 planned field trips November 2: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank You! I appreciate you coming tonight! If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me!