Intro to Lighting Steven Johnson
Light A small part of the electromagnetic spectrum; white light is broken up into the spectrum of visible light, often thought of as a rainbow.
Pigment The substance in an object that absorbs different colors of light, giving the object its apparent color.
Primary Colors The three basic colors that form the basis for the color wheel.
Subtractive Mixing Crossing or combining of color mediums in front of a single source of light, used for painting, primary colors are RYB.
Additive Mixing Blending of colored light from two or more sources of light, used for lighting, primary colors are RGB
Ellipsoidal/Leko A lamp with a hard-focus, used to send a defined beam of light over a long distance.
Fresnel A lamp with a soft-focus, used for short distances.
Scoop A lamp with a soft-focus, used at short distances to light a large area.
Cyc Light Rectangular scoops used to light the cyclorama.
Wrench A tool for gripping and turning the head of a nut or bolt.
Bolt A metal fastener, usually threaded to receive a nut.
Nut A piece of metal with a threaded hole so that it can be screwed down onto a bolt.
C-Clamp Type of clamp used to attach lamps to railing.
Safety Cable A metal cable that can be clipped to itself in a loop.
Catwalk Walking area above a stage where lamps are hung.
Color Gel A transparent, colored material used to change the color of the light from a lamp. Modern gels are thin sheets of polycarbonate or polyester.