PageActivity Date 9Pendulums
10. 1.If I make my swinger shorter, what will happen? (Skip three lines) 2. If I make my swinger longer, what will happen?
11. What materials were used for the experiment?
12. Give sequential steps in an order that another student might replicate your investigation.
13. 1.What happened when the string became shorter? (Skip 4 lines) 2.What happened when the string was lengthened?
15. 1.What is a variable? 2.What is a pendulum and where have you seen one? 3.What variables might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in 15 seconds? 4.What variables made no difference in the number of swings? 5.Which variable did make a difference in the number of swings? Why? 6.Is there a relationship between the length of a pendulum and the number of swings it makes in a unit of time? 7.How can you predict how many swings an 80cm pendulum will make in 15 seconds?
14. 1.Pendulum – a mass hanging from a fixed point that is free to swing to and fro 2.Cycle – any motion or activity that repeats itself 3.Variable – anything that you can change in an experiment that might affect the outcome 4.Standard – basic procedure used in a controlled experiment, before changing any of the variables 5.Controlled experiment – one in which one, and ONLY ONE, variable is changed in order to assess its effect 6.Two-Coordinate graph – shows the outcome of a series of experiments when a variable is changed by steps.
16. 1.Name three things that you have learned while doing this investigation. (skip 4 lines) 2.Name two things that surprised you during this investigation. (skip 3 lines) 3. Name one question that you have now that you have completed the investigation.