Growing Power!!
The Chief Executive Officier Will Allen
My Experience at Growing Power One of the green houses there used for plant production…
Aquaponics System Growing Power uses this type of aquaponics system because it is easy to build and only needs a small pump and heat to get the system running.
The System The water flowing from the growing beds back into the tank of fish..
Growing Power.. And Fish? Originally found in Africa, Tilapia has been farmed for more than 2,500 years. Tilapia is a perfect fish for aquaponics because of its rapid growth, large size, and because it tastes great. Perch is a species of perch found in the United States and Canada and is a glacial lakes species. They prefer cooler water which makes them ideal to raise in hoop houses at Growing Power.
Animals I Worked With (G.P.) currently has 350 living chickens that lay 16 dozen eggs a day.. (G.P.) has 20 Alpine and Saanen goats on our urban farm here in Milwaukee.
More Creatures…. The Bees and Honey…..The Turkeys…..
Spring Cleaning It was time to clean house for the chickens our task was to clean their feeders.
The Fear I Conquered This is myself and my instructor for that day showing me my assignment, and I was horrified.
Break Time
The Work Station…