Plant Virology Dissertation Award The ResistVir Co-ordination Action hereby announces the first annual Doctoral Dissertation competition and award for the best research paper published, or accepted for publication, as part of a doctoral dissertation. The competition is open to current and recently graduated Ph.D. students who carried out their research in the European Research Area. The competition is limited this year to papers included in theses completed and accepted for defence between 1 January 2005 and 31 December The candidates must be nominated by the heads of their respective departments in which the work was completed. The prizes will be awarded on different topics in each year for each of three years. For the first competition, the topic is “exciting advances in sources, mechanisms and durability of resistance against plant viruses / vectors” The prize will be expenses-paid attendance to a conference of the winner’s choice, as well as an expenses-paid trip to a ResistVir workshop or conference. Details on the rules for travel reimbursement are available at the ResistVir website. Please submit a signed letter of nomination from your head of department, the title and summary page of your dissertation, the list of papers included, and the publication you wish to be considered, all as PDF files, to Mina Tsagris and Alan Schulman Further information is available from the The ResistVir Action is described at
Plant Virology Dissertation Award Action points: distribution to all Resistvir partners for further distribution within their countries distribution to other plant virology mailing lists publication as advertisements in leading plant virology journals
Action points: posting information on ResistVir Website formation of a committee to evaluate the papers and manuscripts that arrive Who? All? Rule of no evaluation from own university? Standards? Impact factor? Rating scale(s)?