Agents of Socialization And the Family
Agents of Socialization Socialization takes place through interaction with others. Types of social contacts/influences people experience are called agents of socialization.
Stages in Life First few years: family will be the main agent Adolescence: peers, school culture and media will increase in importance Adult: clubs, social or political groups, religious institutions and workplaces
Family Most important agent. (primary agent of socialization) Strong emotional relationships within small group of people have a huge impact of developing infant Family members are highly motivated to encourage infant to develop to full potential
How? Intentional and unintentional ways Intentional: Children: learn to think, walk, play and feed themselves Learn basic values: what’s right and wrong
Unintentional Observation of family members reacting to situations and to each other Pick up ideas about themselves, others, basic values, attitudes and expectations (observational learning)
Child Abuse Family not always effective Neglect: failure to provide physical or emotional necessities of life Physical: assault or inflicting physical harm Emotional: criticizing, making child unhappy etc
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