Agents of Socialization
Most important agent of socialization Children’s first interactions Socialization can be both deliberate and unintended within a family Family socialization differs from one family to another
Peer group is a primary group composed of individuals of roughly equal age and similar social characteristics Most influential during pre-teen and teenage years Usually focus on the socialization within a subculture
Between ages 5 and 18, children spend roughly 30 weeks a year in school School plays a major role in socializing individuals Schools transmit social norms such as patriotism, responsibility, citizenship, appropriate social interaction, and transmission of necessary skills to be a part of society (i.e. reading, mathematics, writing, etc.)
Mass Media: instruments of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact between those sending the information and those receiving it. Ex. Television, newspapers, movies, internet, radio, etc. Is the role of mass media positive or negative? Why?
Resocialization is a break with past experiences and learning new values and norms (can be voluntary or involuntary) Voluntary: college, move to new state, etc. Involuntary: change happens against a person’s wishes, usually in a total institution Total institution: a setting in which people are isolated from the rest of society for a specific period of time and are subject to tight control ◦ Ex. Military, prisons, boot camp, monasteries, psychiatric hospitals
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