2010- looking forward
Why curriculum reform? 1 Proportion of qualified people at all levels in UK is too low- job needs high 2 In East Riding too few achieve Level 3, standards and progress need to be higher 3 %5ACEM too low – level 2 ceiling 4 FSM learners and SEN/LLDD learners underachieve 5 Urgent need- more varied (personalised) curriculum routes with better match to learner needs 2
Context New Government- new directions 14 Diplomas available- only last three have gone BTECs and wider range of Occ/Voc Ed will stay Free market approach to qualifications likely Optional ‘entitlement’ likely in future legislation iGCSE NC reform QCDA gone- Exam boards only New Academies chose their curriculum 3
14 – 19 Pathways The qualifications currently available are being brought together into a series of distinct pathways : CONSIDER OPTIONS 17 GCSE Foundation Learning Apprenticeship Foundation or Higher Diploma Foundation Learning Foundation, Higher or Advanced Diploma GCSE / A-Level Employment with training CONSIDER OPTIONS 16 CONSIDER OPTIONS 14 Further education Higher education Employment Employment with training Apprenticeship post 18 CONSIDER OPTIONS 18 4
Expectations No school/provider can deliver the entitlement alone Partnerships still essential for high quality pre and post 16 curriculum offer- our strength All should still roll in FL, Diplomas alongside GCSE/GCE (managing reduction in route), though other qualifications can stay Entitlement curriculum currently remains in law for providers and LAs 5
Curriculum reform- success Progress Check –Amber/Green- 1. Measures and 2. Self Evaluation (Grade 1 for Partnerships) Progress Check measures show significant improvement- exceeded targets: Participation, Level Level FSM Level 3 measures need to improve further Two Red- 1. %5ACEM and 2. Level 3 FSM One Amber/Red- NEETs 6
Curriculum Reform- Commissioning successes 2010/11 10% improvement in Participation (587 more) 118% Increase Level 3 Apprenticeships (65 more) 67% more Level 2 Apprenticeships (207 more) 12% increase in Non A-level level 3 16% increase in A level level 3 7
Curriculum reform: ER so far 20% of level 2 and 3 vocational options in schools over last 3 years including large proportion of BTEC 660 level 1, 2 and 3 Diplomas in ’10- all schools in FE- Sch-Employer partnerships All LAPs have plans for full access in all Diploma lines by funded FL Pilots in schools, 2 in FE All providers start FL in in place by ’13 65 Young Apprenticeships- pre-16 in ER 8
Curriculum reform: ER so far- Post learners per cohort 1200 stay in school sixth forms- mostly A-level (level 3) 1800 go to FE (FL/level 1/2/3), 600 Apprenticeships (500 L2 100 L3) 300 NEET 100 unknown 9
Target Curriculum proportions (NB Groups overlap!) 60% GCSE/BTEC 15% Diploma 25% Foundation Learning (Small Young Apprenticeship Cohort) % A level (mainly sixth form) 20% Level 3 non-A level (Diploma/BTEC plus) 15% Level 2 10% Foundation level 20% Apprenticeship (Government Target) 5% Employment with training 10
Diploma successes 1 All schools involved in delivery and access All lines delivered ( mainly level 2, some 1 and 3) 8% cohort in 2009, 10% in 2010 (best rural LA?) All Providers in 5 LAPS & involved in delivery All 5 LAPs have plan for full entitlement by 2013 Lead Assessor for ER – Common infrastructure High level of delegated funding- support grants Free transport for pre-16 11
Diploma challenges remaining Marketing Diplomas and lines Maintaining involved partnerships Full employer engagement Genuine collaborative delivery for quality Reduced funding- sustainability ‘Market position’ in a mixed curriculum ‘economy’ Assessment- consistency Making all Diplomas different and exciting Access for wide range of students- inclusion 12
Today’s opportunity Networking- making connections Share success- celebrate improvements Take on challenges- plan for positive change Generate new ideas through dialogue 13