Egypt Brazil
Egypt is located in Africa and is one of the most populous Africa and the Middle East.
Egypt’s is capital city is Cairo.
Language spoken: Arabic Flag consist of the colors red, black and gold. Population: 84.5 Million people
Predominantly Muslim. Between 10% and 20% belonging to the Coptic catholic church.
The Egyptians put in lots of effort to preserving the lifelike appearance of dead bodies since they thought that the dead needed physical bodies for the after life. They preserved bodies by drying them out with natron and then placed them in a protective covering. Early Egyptians wrapped the bodies in mats. Later on they were wrapped in cloth and the placed in stone coffins. There were different types of mummification. The styled for mummification was determined on the wealth of the family.
Finding jobs in Egypt is not a problem for job seeking in the profession in the fields of tourism industry, real estate and construction, teaching, aid work, IT, engineering, financial services and even the media. Basically Egypt is a progressive country, one that is rapidly developing, advancing and welcoming new industries. As for activities there are all types of tours and cruises you can do to have fun.
Egyptian tradition credits the uniting of Upper and Lower Egypt to a king called Menes. But that is merely a word meaning 'founder'. It is possible that the real historical figure is a ruler by the name of Narmer, who features in warlike mood in superb low-relief carving on a plaque of green siltstone (now in the Egyptian museum in Cairo). The pyramids remain today to show the early greatness of Memphis, in the period known as the Old Kingdom. Similarly the temples of Kamak and Luxor are witness to the extravagant wealth of Thebes during the eras described as the Middle Kingdom and the New Empire. The ancient Egyptians were the first people of antiquity to believe in life after death.
A large number of household objects were invented or used by the ancient Egyptians, including lock and keys, combs, scissors, wigs, makeup, deodorants, toothbrush and toothpaste.
WHAT I LIKEDWHAT I DIDN’T LIKE Women were very fond of wearing makeup. They painted their fingernails and put red powder on their lips. They also dyed their hair in many colors. Men and women liked wearing rings and other jewelry. The main religion in Egypt is Islam, which requires that women cover their body completely; only the hands and face are acceptable to be visible in public. Egyptian women wear a head scarf that must be worn whenever they are out in the public in order to cover their head.
Although Egypt has a lot of beautiful historical sites and places to visit, I would not like to live her. I get hot easily and I wouldn’t want to wear all that clothing. Egypt is also kind of strict for the dress code as well. People in Egypt like to look people in their eyes for respect but I think that kind of weird when people stare at me in the eyes when talking the whole time.
Brazil is located in South America. It is the largest country in South America. It is also the worlds fifth largest country.
The capital is Brasilia and it populates 2.5 million people.
Language : Portuguese Flag: Blue, Green, and White Population: 190 million people
74% Roman Catholic Candomblé Protestantism
Husbands usually head of the house. Values family.! Although very large they are still close.! Cultural values: Men shake each others hands and keep steady eye contact as a greeting, Women usually kiss each other in their cheeks or hug their friends, If invited to a house its polite to bring a small gift or flowers.
It is extremely difficult for foreigners to get a job in Brazil. Your best chance is to look for an employer from your own country and see, whether they have an opening in Brazil. The difficulty is getting a work permit. This applies to all foreigners. Even if the company from your home country offers you a job, the time of your work permit will. Oil and gas companies are particularly big recruiters. well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sectors water and waste management; automotive industry.
The Portuguese were the first European settlers to arrive in the area, led by adventurous Pedro Cabral, who began the colonial period in Nonetheless, sugar soon came to Brazil, and with it came imported slaves. In the 19th century coffee took the place of sugar as Brazil's most important product. The boom in coffee production brought a wave of almost one million European immigrants, mostly Italians, and also brought about the Brazilian republic.
The coffee planters virtually owned the country and the government for the next thirty years, until the worldwide depression evaporated coffee demand. For the next half century Brazil struggled with governmental instability. The immigrant Portuguese language was greatly influenced by the numerous Indian and African dialects they encountered, but it remains the dominant language in Brazil today.The Brazilian dialect has become the dominant influence in the development of the Portuguese language.
WHAT I LIKEDWHAT I DIDN’T LIKE Brazil has won the soccer world cup five times, more than any other nation. Every Brazilian city has at least one soccer stadium! Soccer is a good sport to play it keeps you in shape and makes you have nice soccer legs..! There wasn’t nothing that I didn’t like about brazil. I search for awhile trying to find something but I couldn’t find anything.
I don’t think I would want to be any other country then my own. The United states is a great place to live. Its diverse with all types of people and cultures. There aren’t really strict rules that everyone has to live by. People can be themselves for the most part. So I like where i am and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
I’m not sure if I would want to live in brazil but I would love to visit there. Brazil is such a beautiful place and has a lot of places to visit and tour. Hopefully once in my life time I will be able to go to Brazil and visit that is one of my life plans to do.