| #cmlibrary Library Services for People with Special Needs Presented by Viviette White and Katie Cox October 22, 2015 | #cmlibrary Making connections with the community Connecting customers to resources at the library and beyond Relaxation, “Safe Space” Dance and other movement activities Opportunity to listen to music and stories Quiet activities – coloring, reading, puzzles, crafts Providing support for an underserved population Sensory Programs are used for… | #cmlibrary Let your staff know Contact local churches Adult Daycares Patrons Community groups Advertise on the web Getting the word out | #cmlibrary North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services The Arc of Mecklenburg County serves individuals with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities and their families by identifying needs, developing programs and providing resources, to promote and support independent and productive citizens within our community. Getting the word out | #cmlibrary Centrally located at your branch Use the same room for consistency Easy to access Location, Location, Location | #cmlibrary Windows, natural light Lights on a dimmer switch CD Player, iPad, iPod Comfortable seating (semicircle) Book bins Whiteboard, felt board Tables for literacy activities, crafts Setting up your room | #cmlibrary
Variety of music CDs, nature sounds Activity basket “Touch and Feel” books Fidget Kit (stress balls, squishy balls, slinky, fidgets, hand and foot rollers) Rain sticks Puppets, soft toys Scarves, shakers Aromatherapy (scented pillows and fabric) Sensory Enhancements | #cmlibrary Weighted pillows Weighted stuffed animals Exercise bands Colorful parachute Bean bags Therapy balls Equipment for Strong Sensory Input | #cmlibrary Yoga Art Music Sound therapy Beanbag tapping Pet therapy Sensory Motor Activities | #cmlibrary Large books, oversized books Books with colorful pictures, but not cluttered Books with photographs Stories that can be adapted Animal books Music you can dance to Music with instructional lyrics (Hokey Pokey) Catchy tunes (appropriate language, of course) Books and Music | #cmlibrary Musician Singer Storyteller Poet Artist Cartoonist Crafter Do you have a special talent? Use it in your program! | #cmlibrary Introduce yourself! Hello/Welcome Song Book Flannel Story/Puppet Exercise/movement activity (dance, follow the leader, Yoga, sing) Book Literacy Activity (make and take craft) Goodbye (Music/Bubbles) Structure of a Sensory Storytime | #cmlibrary Structure of a Sensory Storytime | #cmlibrary Viviette White Library Services Specialist II Beatties Ford Road Regional Library Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Katie Cox Library Services Specialist II Beatties Ford Road Regional Library Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Questions? Concerns? | #cmlibrary Durham County Library, NC – special-needs-adults-innovation-852.php?page_id=175 special-needs-adults-innovation-852.php?page_id=175 Former CML employee Trish Twarogowski, paving the way in Sensory programming – preschool-programming-that-makes-sense-for-children- with-autism/ preschool-programming-that-makes-sense-for-children- with-autism/ Barbara Klipper, Youth Services Librarian, Stamford, CT – Resources