What makes for a good source? 1.Reputable websites: 2.1. Which websites would you use? 1.A. Wikipedia? 5.E. gov
What would be a primary source? 1.A primary source would be: 2.1. Diary 3.2. Survey 4.3. Interview 5.4. Website
UNDERSTANDING RESEARCH 1. Searching for relevant topics 2. Evaluating a possible subject 3. Focusing your efforts 4. Writing a thesis statement
CONDUCTING GOOD RESEARCH 1. Locating available resources 2. Critically evaluating resources 3. Recording detailed notes 4. Documenting source information: A. Author, publication date and location, page numbers.
THESIS STATEMENT 1. What is a thesis statement? A. Provides the purpose of the essay. B. Declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. C. Makes the difference between thoughtful research and a simple re-telling of facts. D. Helps you focus your information. E. Must do research and reading prior to developing a thesis.
THESIS BRAINSTORMING 1. As you read, look for the following: A. Interesting contrasts and comparisons or patterns emerging in the information. B. Is there something in the information that surprises you? C. Do you encounter ideas that make you wonder why?