Volunteer Tax Assistance at United Way of Washtenaw County
Welcome to VITA! And thank you for volunteering for this important service.
This is our 5 th year serving Washtenaw County Last year: We prepared or assisted four hundred taxpayers Most received refunds averaging more than $1000! That’s more money coming into Washtenaw County There was more demand for assistance than we could cover.
We are a “fusion” site Running 3 programs at the same time: 1.Traditional VITA We prepare the return for the taxpayer using software you will be trained on. 2. Scan and Go Same as Traditional, but taxpayer drops off paperwork for preparers to do later. 3.Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA) Also known as “MyFreeTaxes.com” We coach the taxpayer in preparing their own return using software.
What is VITA? The VITA Program, including Scan and Go, offers free tax help to people who make $53,000 or less & need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS- certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals in local communities. This is our 5 th year of offering VITA services in Washtenaw County, and second year with Scan and Go.
Traditional VITA – First Line of Service Advantages: ·Taxpayer (TP) needs no expertise in computers, reading, English or tax ·“Full service”, like going to a paid preparer ·Return quality-reviewed by 2 nd volunteer Disadvantages: ·Service limited to returns within scope of training ·Can’t prepare returns with missing documentation, estimates, or where TP disagrees with preparer. ·By appointment only Lesson 3 – Filing Basics
How VITA works 1.Client makes appointment through United Way & is mailed an intake form to complete & a list of documents to bring. They are pre-screened to determine if their return can be prepared under VITA program. If not, they are offered an alternative self-preparation program. 2.Client brings their records, ID & intake form to tax preparation site. 3.Greeter ensures client has proper documents & completed intake form, then matches client to appropriately trained volunteer. 4.Volunteer interviews client, reviews documents & prepares return. 5.All returns are reviewed by a second volunteer with same or higher level of certification. Most returns are e-filed the same day. 6.Client goes to exit table where copy of return is printed out, any paper-filed returns are printed out & signed & mailing instructions provided. Client fills out exit survey.
How Scan & Go Works 1.Client makes appointment through United Way & is mailed an intake form to complete & a list of documents to bring. They are pre-screened to determine if their return can be prepared under VITA program. If not, they are offered an alternative self-preparation program. 2.Client brings their records, ID & intake form to a tax preparation site, including one in Manchester. 3.Documents are scanned to a secure server. 4.Return is assigned to an appropriately trained volunteer and reviewer. 5.Volunteer interviews client by phone, reviews documents & prepares return. 6.All returns are reviewed by a second volunteer with same or higher level of certification. Most returns are e-filed the same day. 7.Client goes to drop off site, after receiving notification that return is complete, where copy of return is printed out, any paper-filed returns are printed out & signed & mailing instructions provided.
What is Facilitated Self-Assistance (FSA)? TPs prepare their own return (at home or at a VITA site using online interview-based [H&R Block] software, while IRS-certified volunteers stand ready to assist with tax questions and/or computer issues on a hotline. FSA: Increases taxpayer access to free services ·Empowers taxpayers to file independently ·Increases efficiencies to enhance return totals
FSA Software Model MyFreeTaxes.com ·Free federal returns; free state returns in all 50 states ·Income limit is $62,000 (individual or family income)
FSA – Available as Alternative Advantages: ·Walk-ins welcome on space-available basis. ·Can prepare returns with missing document, TP estimates or where TP disagrees with preparer. ·Can decrease waiting time for volunteer help Disadvantages: ·TP must be proficient in English & some computer familiarity ·TP alone is responsible for return ·TP must prepare their own return, with coaching only
MyFreeTaxes User Support MyFreeTaxes Helpline ·All clients using MyFreeTaxes.com will be supported by the MyFreeTaxes Helpline or chat feature ·Hours of Operation: 10am – 8pm EST ·Helpline is staffed by select centers & VITA certified volunteers · support is available 24/7 with a 24 hour response time ·Chat support is available during hours of operation ·Support provided for system navigation, tax preparation & if necessary other wrap around services
Know someone who needs VITA’s help? Have them call (734) (United Way) after January 15th for an appointment. Lesson 3 – Filing Basics
Current Schedule Volunteer Shifts Wednesdays 5-8:30pm (Feb. only) Thursdays 5-8:30pm Saturdays 9am-5pm (2 shifts) Starting February 4th & continuing through April 15 Lesson 3 – Filing Basics
Requirements for VITA volunteers 1. You do not need to have prior tax preparation experience to volunteer. ·Only site coordinators need prior experience. 2. You do not have to be an attorney or an accountant. ·10 th grade education is required. 3.You will receive training on the tax preparation software 4.All tax returns we prepare will be reviewed by another preparer
Requirements for VITA volunteers All VITA volunteers must adhere to IRS volunteer standards of conduct, which requires them to view a presentation & take a 10 question certification test. All VITA volunteers must also review a Powerpoint presentation regarding the intake form we use to help clients with their taxes. There are 4 roles for VITA volunteers: 1.Greeters must also review a greeter checklist before their 1st shift. 2.Tax Return Preparers must be certified at least to the basic level, & preferably to the advanced level using IRS’s Link & Learn Certification program, & also complete a State tax certification. 3.Tax Return Reviewers must be certified at least to the advanced level using IRS’s Link & Learn Certification program & complete the State tax certification. 4.Site Coordinators need additional training & have VITA experience.
Once you are certified: ·Bring a photo ID & printed Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSC) Agreement (which will show your test scores) for signature to United Way. ·Sign up for at least 3 shifts ASAP online. ·We need 2 greeters, 2 reviewers & 10 preparers per shift. ·We are taking appointments for clients starting in January, so signing up early helps us match clients to volunteers meeting their language or certification needs. Lesson 3 – Filing Basics
What do I do next? Go to to access training for either “Greeters” or “Return Preparers”.