Eccl.1:3 – “What profit hath man of all his labor wherein he laboreth under the sun?” Eccl.2:1 – “I said in my heart, Come now, I will prove thee with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also was vanity.” Eccl.2:4-11 – “… 11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labor that I had labored to do; and, behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was no profit under the sun.” Eccl.1:3 – “What profit hath man of all his labor wherein he laboreth under the sun?” Eccl.2:1 – “I said in my heart, Come now, I will prove thee with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also was vanity.” Eccl.2:4-11 – “… 11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labor that I had labored to do; and, behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was no profit under the sun.”
Eccl.12:13,14 – “13 This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
Phil.3:13,14 – “13 Brethren, I count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, 14 I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
For Paul this meant forgetting… His life as a Jew – Phil.3:4,7,8; Gal.1:14 His opposition to Christ – Acts 26:9; 8:1-3; Gal.1:13; Phil.3:6 His past achievements as a Christian We all must forget… Forgiven sins – 2 Pet.1:9; cf.1 Tim.1:15 Past defeats Past accomplishments – 2 Pet.3:18; cf.Rev.2:2-4
Paul “stretched forward”… For perfection (spiritual maturity) – Phil.3:12; Eph.4:13-15; Heb.5:12-14 For a deeper knowledge of Christ – Phil.3:8-11 To maintain a relationship with Christ – Phil.3:9; cf.1 Cor.9:26,27 To attain the resurrection – Phil.3:11
Paul tells us to press… Toward the goal Unto the prize of the high calling of God – Heb.3:1; 1 Pet.2:9; 2 Thess.2:14; 2 Tim.4:7,8; Jas.1:12; 1 Cor.9:25; 2 Pet.1:10,11
Phil.3:13,14 – “13 Brethren, I count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, 14 I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”