Understanding Small Wind David Ryan PE NCAT 3040 Continental Drive Butte, MT. 59701 406 494 8644.


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding Small Wind David Ryan PE NCAT 3040 Continental Drive Butte, MT

About the National Center for Appropriate Technology Founded in 1976 Championing sustainable technologies and helping people, especially economically disadvantaged people, to be more self reliant. Focus on local and simple, sustainable and clean solutions to energy problems

About the ATTRA Project Funded by USDA Rural Development Free information services for farmers Sustainable farming methods Organic farming Farm energy Sign up for free information package!

What We’ll be Talking About Codes and safety Codes and safety Energy conservation and efficiency Energy conservation and efficiency Distributed wind powered electric generation “small wind” Distributed wind powered electric generation “small wind” Net metering and Interconnection Net metering and Interconnection Renewable energy sale to utilities Renewable energy sale to utilities Questions Questions

Codes and Safety Just because it is green doesn’t mean it isn’t electricity Just because it is green doesn’t mean it isn’t electricity Green electricity is just as shocking and is just as dangerous as standard electricity. Green electricity is just as shocking and is just as dangerous as standard electricity. Distributed electric generation must be installed to meet National Electric Code and IEEE standards, equipment must be UL compliant and should be UL listed. Distributed electric generation must be installed to meet National Electric Code and IEEE standards, equipment must be UL compliant and should be UL listed. Use a qualified installer Use a qualified installer

Energy Conservation and Efficiency No cost or low cost Least sexy, most practical Great resource for efficiency MTEnergySaversGuideHiRes.pd fhttp:// MTEnergySaversGuideHiRes.pd f Commercial efficiency see ices.phphttp:// ices.php

Power and Energy Concepts We have to provide the power needed to run our equipment (pump, lights, whatever). If we are going to make our own power, we have to size the generator to meet the power requirements (also called “demand” of the equipment). How much of the time the equipment runs then determines how much energy the equipment uses, and how much energy the generator has to make.

Wind and solar generators are capital intensive – Means first cost is high, O&M is low Fuel powered generators are O&M cost high, capital cost low. Wind and solar generators make energy and replace fuel costs, but in general cannot be counted on to provide power. Self-generation facts

Wind and solar energy production depend upon the location of the generator Wind and solar energy is intermittent Can use as is, or can be stored in water tank, pond, or electric storage batteries. Larger generators (10 KW+) need to be grid tied or used with thermal generators (reciprocating engines for example) in a hybrid system Self-generation facts

What you need to make wind work for you Load Load Wind Wind WECS (Windmill) WECS (Windmill) Interconnection or Storage Interconnection or Storage

What are “Small” wind systems? Used with permission

Used with permission. C2005 Home Power magazine, Turbines 500 Watt – 50,000 Watt 500 W 10,000 W 50,000 W 15 M What are “Small” wind systems?

Towers What are “Small” wind systems?

Can be connected in parallel to the electric distribution service provider - “On Grid” Used with permission. C2005 Home Power magazine, On-Grid System

Used with permission. C2005 Home Power magazine, Off-Grid System Can operate independently from the electric distribution system – “Off Grid”

Power Inverters Inverter Converts DC Generated to AC

Storage Batteries

Small systems are less expensive, BUT Small systems are more expensive per kilowatt- hour generated. Large systems may generate energy that you cannot use BUT Large systems are less expensive per kilowatt- hour generated How do I know what wind system I need (Goldilocks Problem)?

How do I know what wind system I need? Elementary school energy use KWh per Year

What revenue can I expect? Depends on wind

What revenue can I expect? Depends on wind

Wind Resource Estimating

Other Sources of Wind Data Airport Data AgriMET Data - station_list.cfm station_list.cfm station_list.cfm Hey, go out and get your Own!

How do I know what wind system I need? Get Wind Data! Onset Data Weather Station - $1, Davis Instruments - $1, LaCrosse Technology - $ Rainwise – $2,000.00

Wind Resource Estimating Serious Wind Prospecting Meter Towers and Instrumentation - $10, $30, Data Analysis and Site Layout - $10,000.00

Wind Analysis

How do I know what wind system I need? Wind Frequency Distribution

How do I know what wind system I need? Generator Power Curve

How do I know what wind system I need? Energy use example - Hand Calculation of Energy Production

How do I know what wind system I need? Energy use example Host energy use average of 25,121 Kwh per year Generation from 10 KW wind turbine 22,634 KWh per year. Good fit for annual energy true-up

Actual Case Histories 13,500 KWh 7,500 KWh 10,000 KWh 13,000 KWh

Interconnection On-Grid Larger System (10KW up) Steps to follow: Contact Utility, get their agreement and process Understand agreement and process Negotiate and execute agreement Step through process Pay for any required studies Buy generator and install

Net Metering On-Grid Systems Basics Meter sits between customer-generator and utility Meter can turn both ways. If load greater than generation, meter turns “forward” If generation greater than load, meter turns “backward” Utility subtracts backward from forward rotation, bills for net forward rotation

Net Metering On-Grid Systems Up to 10 KW on Most Rural Electric Cooperatives Up to 50 KW on NorthWestern Energy, 100 KW on MDU Generator Located on Customer Side of Meter One Generator per Meter One Meter per Generator Rate is same as rate on power bill ($0.10/KWh) Generator Does Not Contribute to Demand Charge (Energy Only)

Net Metering On-Grid System Annual true-up Most Rural Electric Cooperatives CHECK WITH YOUR UTILITY Annual true up NorthWestern Energy and MDU Not Rocket Science – Over 350 systems net metered on NWE, 2 on MDU, several on RECs Safe – If installed per utility requirements

Net Metering Ponderables One meter, Two meter question One generator, two meter question What the heck is “Retail” energy
