CULTURE OF THE UNITED STATES Essential Questions: How has the culture of the United States and Canada shaped these countries? Learning Target: IWBAT analyze how culture has affected the development of Canada. Formative Assessment(s): Identify and explain three ways that culture in Canada is different than culture in the United States.
BELLWORK Tell me everything you can about Canada (except geography)
FUN FACT The name “Canada” is an linguistic error, resulting from a misunderstanding by Jacques Cartier, a French explorer. When Cartier was visiting the new world, the indigenous people attempted to invite him to visit their village. The word for “village” in the indigenous tongue was “kanata.” Cartier misunderstood, and believed they were referring to the entire country as “Kanata.” As such, he referred to the country as “Kanata,” which is how it received its current name, “Canada.”
CLASSWORK Read Population Patterns on page 156 Write and answer the following questions in your notes: 1.Where to a majority of Canadians live today? 2.What are the Prairie Provinces and why are people moving there? 3.What are the three largest cities in Canada? 1.Which city is the largest? 2.Which city trades the most with Asia? 3.Which city handles shipping?
FUN FACT Canada officially became its own country in There is an annual aquatic bathtub race in Nanaimo.
CLASSWORK Read History and Government on pages Write and answer the following questions in your notes: 1.What part of the current day United States used to be part of Canada? 2.What kind of government does Canada have today? 3.Name five countries listed in the reading that people immigrate to Canada from. 4.What does NAFTA stand for and what is its purpose?
FUN FACT 77% of the world’s maple syrup is made in Quebec. Canada has more doughnut shops per capita than anywhere else. Li is the most common last name in Canada. 35-50% of all music broadcast on Canadian radio must be Canadian! (What do you mean?)
CLASSWORK Read Culture on pages Write and answer the following questions in your notes: 1.What are the national languages of Canada? 2.What is the Group of Seven known for? 3.Which two music and theater groups perform in Toronto? 4.What is happening to the average age of the Canadian population?
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Identify and explain three ways that culture in Canada is different than culture in the United States.