Taft School recommends students do not bring cell phones to school. Lost, Stolen, or Damaged cell phones are not the responsibility of OKCPS or Taft MS and will not be investigated by school administration. Cell phones are not allowed during class periods or passing periods.
First Offense:Confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office. Second Offense:One (1) day in school suspension (ISS), and confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office. Third Offense:Two (2) days in school suspension (ISS) and confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office. Fourth Offense:One (1) day out of school suspension (OSS) and confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office. Fifth Offense: Out of school suspension (OSS) pending parent conference and confiscation of the device until the parent retrieves the device from the main office. REFUSAL:Refused to give telephone to teacher, administrator or person of authority on campus student will be assigned a Level 3 consequence.