CS 502 Computing Methods for Digital Libraries Cornell University – Computer Science Herbert Van de Sompel Lecture 15,16 reference linking based on many presentations
Part 1: general enable the delivery of localized extended services problem statement the OpenURL framework herbert van de sompel
Part 2: specific the delivery of localized extended services the SFX software herbert van de sompel
OPAC electronic scholarly information FTXT e-printA&I distributed herbert van de sompel
OPAC electronic scholarly information FTXT e-printA&I range of authorities, technologies herbert van de sompel
OPAC electronic scholarly information FTXT e-printA&I ¡¡ challenges re integrated access !! herbert van de sompel
OPAC linking FTXT e-printA&I related information herbert van de sompel
OPAC linking FTXT e-printA&I ¿¿ interlink ?? herbert van de sompel
N authentication session management menu system authorization ERL Z39.50 URL THIN interlinking
full text reference linking
full text reference linking
full text Ulrich’s citation databases extended services Medline
full text Ulrich’s PubMed citation databases extended services
Who is Who Books in Print Amazon.com extended services
linking frameworks: problems not context-sensitivestatic herbert van de sompel
via pre-computation requires control of the information environment foolproof links linking frameworks Biomednet, ISI Links, Ovid links, SilverLinker, IOP static herbert van de sompel
static links services : static & pre-computed & fool proof
static linking service link source PO89 A server linking service link bundles M337 PO89 M654 AA66 AB12 AC44 extended services 5678 AB12
central database: unique identifiers & metadata look-up facility: input metadata; output identifier insertion of actionable identifiers in resources; identifiers point at a central resolver linking frameworks static DOI/CrossRef, PubMed/PubRef herbert van de sompel identification across resources
linking frameworks: problems not context-sensitive herbert van de sompel
appropriate full text Inspec citation databases localize extended services
metadata plane resource1 resource2resource3 default links herbert van de sompel default links: restricted in nature action-radius restricted by business agreements not context-sensitive
linking frameworks not context-sensitivestaticdynamiccontext-sensitive herbert van de sompel
Open Journals Project links from citations in journals articles to ISI citation database dynamic linking: insertion of links when articles are being delivered send PDF article through proxy on-the-fly identification of references on-the-fly matching of references with citation database on-the-fly insertion of link in case of match just-in-case linking: fool-proof computational delay not practical for provision of multiple services links from a single resource to a single resource dynamic not context sensitive herbert van de sompel
Open Citation Project links from references in e-prints in Los Alamos arXiv uses Open Journals technology to extract identification from references (batch) to prepend URL to identification (dynamic) see demo at links from a single resource to multiple resources dynamic context sensitiveness can be implemented herbert van de sompel
PubMed LinkOut links from PubMed to other resources static context-sensitive linking: institutions provide links to PubMed batch insertion of links into PubMed institutional users register to see appropriate links scalable?: extension of model would require provision of links to all resources long-term and large-scale management of links is problematic links from a single resource to multiple resources static context sensitive herbert van de sompel
OpenURL framework links from multiple resources to multiple resources dynamic context sensitive herbert van de sompel
metadata plane resource1 resource2resource3 default links herbert van de sompel
metadata plane extended services plane resource1 service component1 service component2 default links appropriate links OpenURL resource2resource3 herbert van de sompel
the OpenURL framework FTXT A&I local service component OpenURL by value or by reference delivery of metadata on users’ request linking server describes context herbert van de sompel OPAC
the Ex Libris SFX server FTXT A&I OpenURL one possible service component herbert van de sompel
) :- search result OpenURL other dbase fetch metadata ) the OpenURL framework A&I local service component herbert van de sompel
1. implement a technique to make a resource understand the difference between a user that has access to a service component and one that does not OpenURL-awareness herbert van de sompel
1. CookiePusher, user-profiles, DLF certificate,... OpenURL-awareness herbert van de sompel
2. for users with access to a service component, provide an OpenURL for each transported metadata-object OpenURL-awareness herbert van de sompel
2. OpenURL: target = service component content = elements of the metadata, in a public syntax OpenURL-awareness herbert van de sompel
OpenURL examples record = AU Smith, Paul ISSN VOLUME12 ISSUE3 PAGES1-8 PY1998 DBASEERL-BIOSIS DBASE-AN service component =
OpenURL = &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&d ate=1998&aulast=Smith&aufirst=Paul OpenURL = OpenURL examples
link = OpenURL examples OpenURL = service component =
draft OpenURL specs early 2000 lots of interest from libraries, information providers adopted by important information providers OpenURL fast track NISO standardization 2001 SFX server marketed by Ex Libris DOI/CrossRef prototype deployment of OpenURL framework
the OpenURL framework FTXT A&I OpenURL institutional service component namespace FTXT A&I FTXT
IOP proxyhandle doi linkurl herbert van de sompel
OpenURL aware proxyhandle doi link doi metadata herbert van de sompel IOP
Part 2: specific the delivery of localized extended services the SFX software herbert van de sompel
OPAC the SFX server FTXT A&I OpenURL one of many possible service components herbert van de sompel
1. accept OpenURL as input the SFX server
2. collect object-metadata: from the OpenURL [OpenURL parser] via fetch from a resource [SourceParsers]: per sid & per namespace http, z39.50, OAI interface,... fetch parsing of reply configuration via table the SFX server
3. augment object-metadata the SFX server
4. compute relevant localized extended services [SFX database]
SFX base: relation between sources services : dynamic & on-the-fly & not fool proof
definition of potential services information about the local collection rules supporting a decision on the relevance of services SFX database
BIOSIS arXiv APS/PROLA Inspec Compendex SOURCES Medline Inspec Springer Sci Cit Bas OPAC TARGETS get_holdings get_abstract get_full_text cited_author SERVICES OBJECTS THRESHOLDS
TARGETS MEDLINE requests: getFullTxt getTOC getAuthor getCitedAuthor getAbstract getWebService getCitedReference getCitedJournal Springer provides: getFullTxt, getTOC BIOSIS provides: getAuthor, getAbstract Wiley provides: getFullTxt, getTOC WWW Search Engines provides: getWebService Web of Science provides: getCitedReference getCitedAuthor getAuthor SOURCES conceptual links that will be formed (for real) if certain requirements (Thresholds) are met … COLLI
the SFX server 5. compute service-links [TargetParsers] Per Target/Service
tools for SFX-configuration SFXCTRL: a graphical interface for configuring: Sources Targets Services [where Sources and Targets meet] and for making small-scale edits to the SFX-base TEMPLATES: basic, generic, flexible pre-configurations SFXLOADER: a tool for object administration STATISTICAL measures
Sources Where a user is coming from, beginning a search Examples: OPAC A&I database Online journal Sources must be OpenURL-enabled! Librarian must decide what Sources are available in the library environment and what Services would be desired by users.
Targets & Target/Services Where a user “lands” Services are the facilities: A getAuthor service would run a search in a target on an author’s name A getFullTxt service would link to the full text of a particular article from a Target publisher Targets must have a link-to syntax that supports the Service
Threshold administration Thresholds aid in the process of evaluating the appropriateness of delivering a real link based on a conceptual link: Objects: ISSN numbers in an A&I database Rules: metadata needs an ISBN number
Templates Material to support typical or generic scenarios Contain: services, parsers, objects and thresholds Constantly updated and distributed by Ex Libris Subscribing library “localizes” to match library’s subscriptions and conditions