England’s Resistance to Absolute Monarchy
Constitutional Monarchy/Government Limitations of government by law Written or unwritten No one is above the law
The Monarch’s Power Their successes Strength of their personality Popularity with the people Their political shrewdness Elizabeth – she had it James I – he didn’t
Issues between Parliament and the Monarchy Power of the Purse Religion Divine Right Parliament had grown used to ruling England in a partnership with the monarchy
Parliament House of Lords - representatives of the nobility House of Commons – representatives of towns and counties Advised the king – consented to taxes (power of the purse)
The King and Parliament If the king could rule without needing money, he could rule without Parliament
James I Difficult relationship with Parliament Devoted to divine right Spent too much money Parliament uses power of the purse
Charles I (1625-1649) Very difficult relationship with Parliament Disbands Parliament Finds his own money until… War with Scotland … recalls Parliament Parliament asserts control Triennial Act (1641) Civil War breaks out (1646-1649)
Roundheads (Parliament) Vs. Cavaliers – Royalists (The King)
Commonwealth est. 1649 Headed by Cromwell – Lord Protector Military Leader in Civil War “Instrument of Government Effectively military rule Rump Parliament
Charles II 1660-1685 Restoration of the monarchy Got along well with Parliament Religious Questions – Where will he take England Parliament pushed for religious uniformity
James II Catholic Old – No problem Has a child
Restoration and Glorious Revolution Charles II – Habeas corpus Glorious Revolution James II Bloodless revolution
William and Mary (1689-1702) Ended the concept of divine-right monarchy They were offered the throne by Parliament Agree to the English Bill of Rights