CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Education Measurement of non-market output in education and health London, Brunei Gallery October 3 – 5, 2006 Prepared by Eva Jedlickova, CZSO
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Education in the Czech Republic Schools – public institutions semi-budgetary organizations – subsidies from LG and CG equal to a difference between budget receipts and costs Budgetary organizations – all their costs are covered from state budget Schools – non-profit institutions – partly financed by subsidy from state budget
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Output of education in million CZK, 2004
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Stratification of data Pre and primary education Kindergartens Special kindergarten Primary schools Special PS Preliminary courses Secondary education gymnasiums Secondary schools Special second. schools Training institutions Special training institutions Practice training schools Higher and university education Higher schools Universities Other education Art schools Language schools
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Construction of index Unit cost method Public expenditures – calendar year form Number of pupils – school year form Ratio for number of pupils - 2/3 : 1/3 Ratio between the day-study and other form of study - 1 : 1/2
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Conversion school year to calendar year form
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Quality adjustment
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Size of classroom in schools years
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic High education /803/ 2000 – stratification by universities Unit cost are calculated for each university Weighted index for university education Problem: costs, number of students only for university not for field of study
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Other education /804/ Art and language schools Unit cost per one student Number of students per one teacher has not changed since 2000
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Paasche price index
CZECH STATISTICAL OFFICE Na padesátém 81, CZ Praha 10, Czech Republic Deflators for education