SELF DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF SPIRITUALITY AND A PRACTICAL APPROACH Sponsored by Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus Class 2 – Values August by Hiren Shah
Arrange in the order from least value to highest value 1.Maruti Alto 2.Skoda Laura 3.Hyundai I-10 4.Mahindra Verito 5.Tata Nano 6.Honda City 1.Tata Nano 2.Maruti Alto – Hyundai I-10 – Mahindra Verito – Honda City – Skoda Laura – 14.64
Arrange in the order from least value to highest value Air Water Car Diamond One time Lunch Diamond is costly but useless to Live. Water/Air are necessary for Life. Do they have a price? Valuables have a price. Values are priceless.
What will you save if your house is on fire... Life – Myself. Leave everything external. Most Valuable : LIFE Material items can never replace body parts. Difference between LIFE & BODY Body, Mind, Intellect - Intellectually strong morally weak individuals Heart, Soul- Development of wholesome personality Man himself is Treasure, who is running after it.
Animal named man is interested more in “Gulkand” (a product made from rose petals) rather than rose. He is interested more in pickle instead of mangoes. Interested in cost more than value and in commission more than cost. Gunvant Shah
LIFE What makes the LIFE Valuable? Values Values Makes person a Human Brings quality & meaning in Human life. Gives direction to our efforts. WHAT WE ARE is more important than What We Have Activity – Two glasses – what will you prefer. ASPIRATION - AMBITION Story of “Clay Balls” The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity.
Love Health Wealth Comfort Fun Happiness Success Learning Peace Intimacy Adventure Security What are VALUES... Show the presentation “Heaven’s Grocery store” Activity : Note down values – Student with maximum values
Why are VALUES important for me? Clear set of Values gives us clarity and focus Helps us prioritize When straying it acts as a compass Allows us to make consistent decisions and take committed action.
Prioritizing Your Values... ( Activity ) Identify the top three values that you consider as the most important – you want to live by. The interesting part is: You can consciously change them - even radically if desired. When you change your values list and consciously act on it, you change your behavior.
Key Question? What Drives my Life ? Aspiration Family / Personal Responsibilities Values Ambition Family Expectations Desires Activity How do I rank myself : what drives my life on a scale of (-10) to (+10) Where totally driven by desires is (-10) and totally by Values is (+10)
How can I lead a life Driven by Values? thoughtSow a thought, you reap an act Sow an act, you reap a habit Sow a habit, you reap a character Sow a character, you reap a destiny To become happier, we either need to: a) Change the world, or b) Change our thinking. (Story of kartikey & Ganesh) It is easier to change our Thinking!
If we both exchange one rupee, we have one rupee each. But, if we exchange one good thought, we both have two good thoughts
Every day in the morning say these 5 lines to yourself : 1.I am the best 2.I can do 3.God is always with me 4.I am the winner 5.Today is my Day
Self = Values + GOAL Aligning Values, Goals with the nature of real Self
Principles to help us with goals and values 1. Decide based on what is good vs what is pleasant? What is good is a value and what is pleasant is entertainment Reading for the exam vs spending time with friends Exercising vs indulging Being Patient vs being lazy 2. What helps inner growth is of value Sincerity, Humility vs Winning at any cost and being self righteous and arrogant Reading, Contemplation, Introspection, Meditation, Helping Seeking importance, showing off and looking for attention 3. Prioritize based on the needs of your Soul, Mind and Body Prayer, Reading, Meditating Cooking, Exercising, Watching TV
Living Values Is it enough to know about values? How can we live them?
‘Living’ values every day Think of a recent example when you were intolerant or impatient with someone. How did the other person feel at the time? How did you feel? How do we feel when we are cheated? How do we feel when we cheat someone else? What do we think of others when they behave in a noble way? First introspect, write in your diary and then share your reflections with a partner.
Question: What could I have done differently so that as to be tolerant, patient and helpful?
Ethical dilemmas An example: Some mischief has been done by a student who is my friend in the college. I only know about it. The administration of the college has caught (unknowingly) another student. Questions: What thoughts do I have? What do I do? What values do I consider? What values do I ignore?
Final Exercise Questions: What three changes I want to bring in myself? My Action Plan
Do not add YEARS to life But add LIFE to years