WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 1 AIDA WP4.


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Presentation transcript:

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 1 AIDA WP4 Report Service Activities in support of provision of VO-enabled services to the science community Paolo Padovani and Evanthia Hatziminaoglou (ESO)

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 2 Trigger advanced usage of VO capabilities Obtain a set of well-documented science cases Gather feedback about the needs of the science community Adaptation of VO tools to these needs In a nutshell: interaction with European astronomers in the area of “science with the VO” WP4 main objectives

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 3 WP4 interactions WP4 Internal Science Team Science Advisory Committee European Astronomical Community

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 4 D4.1 (month 5): First Announcement of Opportunity D4.2 (month 15): First release of on-line science-oriented tutorials D4.3 (month 17): Second Announcement of Opportunity D4.4 (month 27): Final release of on-line science-oriented tutorials Plus work for: D2.2 (month 9): First “Community Feedback” Workshop D2.3 (month 13): “Hands-on” Workshop D2.8 (month 21): Second “Community Feedback” Workshop WP4 deliverables   

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 5 The Euro-VO SAC is a body of 17 “external” astronomers who provide science input to the project (see Francoise Genova’s talk and The SAC met twice in the reporting period: in March (Cambridge, IoA) and December (Strasbourg, CDS) SAC members were briefed on Euro-VO activities and provided input on Euro-VO Workshops, Research Initiative, etc. Most SAC members to be renewed in the next couple of months WP4 activities: Science Advisory Committee (SAC) meetings

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 6 AIDA Internal Science Team Mark AllenCNRS Deborah BainesESA Evanthia HatziminaoglouESO Giuseppe LongoINAF Eduardo MartinINTA Paolo Padovani (Chair)ESO Gijs Verdoes KleijnRUG Nic WaltonUEDIN Joachim WambsganssUHEI

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 7 Aim: scientific and technical support to teams interested in carrying out astronomical projects utilising VO tools Announced April 16, deadline June SAC provided input on its content in its March meeting Publicized through: Euro-VO mailing list European Astronomical Society newsletter Newsletters of various national astronomical societies Main contact person (EH) plus national contact points WP4 activities: Announcement of Opportunity [D4.1]

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 8 Seven proposals received, meeting with PIs at ESO on Sep. 5 to assess their needs via direct interaction Three projects supported for 1 yr (until Sep. 15, 2009); scientific ranking provided by SAC:  Is a galaxy’s disk scale-length universal? (PI Fathi [Sweden]; CDS/Astrogrid)  Spectral energy distributions of 2XMM-selected AGN (PI Gil-Merino [Spain]; SVO)  AGN feedback and quenching of star formation: a multiwavelength approach (PI Lobo [Portugal]; ESO) Second call due by June WP4 activities: Announcement of Opportunity [D4.1]

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 9 complete sample (~6000 objs.) NYU-VAGC 0.02 < z < 0.06 inclination b/a > 0.5 log (M * /M SUN ) > 10 Sérsic index n < 1.5 (g-r) > * log (M* / 10 8 M SUN ) test sample (~20 objs.) SDSS SPECTRUM PARAMETERS - analyse spectra information - select sub-samples obtain radio & X-ray images at arcsec resolution FLUXES - build and analyse SED - select sub-samples IMAGES - analyse optical/NIR images - select sub-samples for dusty SED objs. analyse color images for tricky morphological types get optical/NIR high-res images get all available reduced data TOPCAT GALFITALADIN VIZIER VO DESKTOP VOSED? YAFIT? TOPCAT ALADIN MERLINimager CIAO Lobo et al., AGN feedback and Quenching of Star Formation

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 10 Fathi et al., Is galaxy scale length Universal? Defining the Sample Using the Sloan interface; X-correlate with LEDA & filter TOPCAT STILTS Investigating the SDSS scale length TOPCAT Aladin Querying and Storing SkyView VOSpace objects * 5 images each ~300 GB of data

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 11 ESAC, Dec , WP4 activities: Multi-wavelength Astronomy and the VO Workshop [D2.2]

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 12 Goals Identify needs and challenges multi-wavelength astronomy will be facing in the coming years Identify how the VO can meet them Bring together experts in multi-wavelength astronomy and VO scientists and engineers Overall rationale: scientific needs to drive the technological development; vital to get input from the astronomical community Workshop announcement through Euro-VO mailing list Newsletters of various national astronomical societies Euro-VO SAC AIDA Board WP4 activities: Multi-wavelength Astronomy and the VO Workshop [D2.2]

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 13 Workshop Programme included four sessions: –multi-wavelength Astronomy (split in two) –multi-wavelength Astronomy VO tools and standards –Surveys –Putting it all together Mix of invited (13) and contributed (15) talks plus 12 posters Each session included a > 1 h long round table discussion WP4 activities: Multi-wavelength Astronomy and the VO Workshop [D2.2]

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist participants (74 non-Euro-VO) Proceedings will be published by mid-2009 Very relevant feedback for the AIDA project and the VO in terms of VO tools, services, and metadata WP4 activities: Multi-wavelength Astronomy and the VO Workshop [D2.2]

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 15 Conferences, Workshops, and Schools: XXI International CODATA Conference, Kiev, Oct JENAM 2008, Vienna, Sep (Euro-VO booth) 3rd NEON Archive School, ESO, Aug Graduate Summer School in Astronomy and Space Physics, Orilampi, Finland, June 2008 JENAM 2009, Hatfield, Apr (Euro-VO booth) plus various talks and colloquia More WP4 related activities

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 16 D2.3 (month 13): “Hands-on” Workshop [DONE] ☺ D4.2 (month 15): First release of on-line science-oriented tutorials [READY] D4.3 (month 17): Second Announcement of Opportunity D2.8 (month 21): Second “Community Feedback” Workshop D4.4 (month 27): Final release of on-line science-oriented tutorials Plus: continue our interaction with the astronomical community WP4 plans for next period

WP4 - VO-enabled services to the science community Euro-VO AIDA – First periodic review – 24 April 2009 Paolo Padovani, AIDA Project Scientist 17 All deliverables done on-time and very successfully No problems foreseen in completing WP4 work as planned Announcement of Opportunity, Workshops, and Schools have shown how vital it is to interact with the European astronomical community FP7 support has proven to be invaluable in organizing all of the above activities Main message: the European astronomical community (especially the young one) is eager to learn about the Virtual Observatory and use it for its science activities WP4 overall conclusions