Backstage with Chris and Casey Robust Vocabulary, Day 4 by Roberta Jacobs
criticize/flawless When you criticize something, you tell what you think is wrong with it. If a performance is flawless, there are no mistakes in it. Nod your heads if the thing named could be flawless if criticized in a helpful way. –A–A dance performance –A–A pencil –A–A soccer game –A–A speech
versions If there are different versions of a story, the story is told in different ways. Hold up your index finger if the things named can have several versions. – A chair – Computer software – A rug – A song Listen for two versions of “Over the Rainbow” Judy Garland IZ
dialogue/rehearse Conversation between people is called dialogue. To rehearse is to practice for a performance. Raise your hand if the thing named requires dialogue to be rehearsed. – A play – A game – An audience member – Readers’ theater
immerse/camaraderie To immerse oneself is to become very involved in something. People have a camaraderie when they are comfortable with each other and spend a lot of time together. Raise your hand if you think camaraderie could happen if you were immersed in the things named. – Water – A camping trip – A group project – A band
mandatory Something that is mandatory is required. Clap once if the things named are mandatory at school. – Gym – Math – Buying lunch – Wearing socks
tragic/limp A tragic event is something that is both sad and horrible. When something is limp, it is too weak to move or support itself. Say the word TRAGIC or LIMP to describe the following things named. – Flood – Handshake – Plant – Injured child